Працював в 5 компаніях   4 роки 3 місяці

IT, Освіта

Middle frontend developer(part-time)



1 рік 10 місяців

08.2022 - до теперішнього часу

Engaged in effective support and optimization of websites in production, with a focus on SEO strategy and enhancing user experience.

Frontend developer

Memcrab lLC


1 рік 1 місяць

10.2022 - 11.2023

As a frontend developer playing a key role in e-commerce and finance projects, I actively contributed to enhancing user engagement and improving performance. My responsibilities included the development and maintenance of responsive web applications using React. I successfully implemented state management with React Context and Redux, leading to more efficient code organization and scalability.In addition to development tasks, I made significant contributions to projects by identifying and resolving complex issues, resulting in improved stability and user convenience. My active participation in code reviews ensured a high-quality codebase, emphasizing the importance of maintaining code integrity.

Frontend course lector(part-time)

DAN.IT education


9 місяців

10.2022 - 07.2023

In the role of Frontend Course Lecturer, I delivered three-hour sessions three times a week to a group of around 20 students, covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Redux. Beyond traditional lectures, I provided personalized mentorship, fostering a collaborative learning environment. This experience not only deepened my expertise in the subject matter but also sharpened my communication skills, enabling me to convey complex information in a clear and impactful manner

Middle frontend developer



1 рік 2 місяці

06.2021 - 08.2022

Active contributor to diverse projects, spanning admin panels, e-commerce platforms, property rental websites, tourist tour applications, and the company's inner projects. Specializing in technologies like Typescript, React, React Native, Vue, Next.js, Nuxt.js, Redux (Saga, Toolkit), Vuex, SCSS, Styled Components and many more. Responsibilities include creating mobile applications, PWA's, conducting comprehensive code reviews, addressing bugs, optimizing performance, and providing projects estimation.

Junior react developer



1 рік 1 місяць

04.2020 - 05.2021

I contributed to minor projects involving React and Redux(mostly admin panels). Additionally, I actively participated in developing a presentation web application with features similar to PowerPoint, including tables (Syncfusion Grid), charts (Chart.js), and PPTX export functionality (PptxGenJS). Within a multinational team, I conducted code reviews, addressed bugs, and ensured comprehensive code coverage through testing (Jest, React Testing Library).

Ключова інформація

HTML, CSS, SCSS, Styled Components, JS, TS(4 years), React(4 years), React Native(1 year), Redux, Next(2.5 years), Jest, React Testing library, Git

Володіє мовами


вище середнього



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


Middle+ frontend developer


3 000 $

24 роки

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна

Оновлено 1 тиждень тому