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2d artist



9 років 5 місяців

01.2015 - до теперішнього часу

Experienced creative 2D Artist with a strong background in game art and design. Started my journey long time ago as graphic designer, working with marketing printing materials, book and magazine publishing etc.

Then became a junior artist with variety freelance projects, drawing arts for books, comics, maskots for companies, logos and everything else, that needed some drawing.

I developed my skills and knowledge in CG art and 5 years ago started my way in game industry. I've made plenty of art for indie game studious, from characters to backgrounds and UI-elements. I’ve made plenty of art for indie game studious, from characters to backgrounds and UI-elements.

An experience in comic drawing made me very skilled in visual storytelling and finding the best composition.

The design background helps me in creation of unique and harmonious characters and props. Also I’ve started learning of 3D instruments (Blender) which helps me not only to make drawing faster, but also understand well the shapes and construction of any object, from treasure chest to human body.

Knowledge of academic art, drawing with natural materials (pencils, watercolor, oil, pastel) helps me to create visually outstanding environment concept art.

Ключова інформація

- Fantasy illustrations

- Environment concepts

- Art for board, trade or card game

- Character design

- Book covers (e-books and paper books)

- Sketches

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Миколаїв, 2007

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2D artist


36 років

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