Працював в 1 компанії 3 роки 5 місяців
Front-end Developer
Avalon Innovations
3 роки 4 місяці
07.2021 - до теперішнього часу
I developed a modular and scalable component architecture using React, ensuring code reusability and maintaining code cleanliness.• integrated Redux to manage the application state. I created and maintained a global Redux store, defined actions, reducers, and selectors to efficientlymanage data and updates in the application. Iworked with RESTful and GraphQL APIs to fetch and send data to the server.• Iused axios or fetch to perform HTTP requests, processed the received data, and updated the application state.• I m p l e m e n t e d routing using React Router to create navigation within the application.• I defined routes, configured parameters, and handled transitions between pages.• Icollaborated with other developers and designers to discuss requirements, make decisions, and code together. Iactively participated in task planning,coordination, and code reviews to ensure code quality and consistency.
Навчався в 1 закладі
The University of Computer Science &Skills Bachelor of Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Lodz, Poland, 2021
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Front-end Developer
Активно шукає роботу
повна зайнятість
Оновлено 3 години тому