Працював в 2 компаніях   15 років 4 місяці

IT, Енергетика та Енергоносії

Full-Stack Developer



2 роки 2 місяці

08.2022 - до теперішнього часу

I am an experienced full-stack developer with a strong focus on building dynamic and scalable web applications leveraging modern technologies. On the frontend, I proficiently use React (Next.js) TypeScript. I have been working with AWS Lambda for serverless computing. I also have experience with DigitalOcean Kubernetes For database management, I prefer Postgres integrated with TypeORM. Additionally, I have experience with Docker to create isolated environments, Redis to cache data, and WebSockets to implement real-time communication in web applications

Провідний інженер


Енергетика та Енергоносії

13 років 1 місяць

07.2009 - 08.2022

LiveCare – is an innovative web application available in both English and Spanish, designed to streamline wealth management and inheritance planning. The platform enables users to comprehensively manage their assets and ensure smooth transition of wealth to designated collaborators. Frontend: Next, Material. Backend: Nest, Postgres, TypeORM, Redis, WebSockets. Deployed on DigitalOcean Kubernetes. All the code is written by me. • AquaWise – web application for business owners and their customers. Business owners can rate services, create invoices and subscribscriptions on their services. All payments are made through Stripe. I continued to develop insinuating functionality on the frontend and backend. Made Integration with Stripe. React was used on the frontend, Node.js and Mongo DB was used on the backend. • Titan369 is a mobile blockchain application. I continued to work with the existing application on the server. Implemented functionality with bonus programs, token calculation logic and transaction history. Nest.js, Mongo DB, crons and queues were used on the server.

LeverDebt – mobile App which helps you to pay your loans. I made admin dashboard on Next.js. Also I continued to develop the existing back-end on Node.js Express and MongoDB. I wrote loan repayment logic, snowball and avalanche debt calculator for our app, payments, recurring payments recommendations, notifications. I used agendas, webhooks, sendgrid, Payitoff, Method, PLAID and other libraries. • NestEgg – mobile App for trading in stock markets. It didn’t go into production. I developed the back-end from start. I made registration integration with AtomFinance and APEX, money transfers using PLAID. • Arrears is the global payments and financial operations platform. I've completed integrations with QuickBooks on back-end and front-end.

Ключова інформація

• TypeScript

• React

• Next.js

• Node.js

• Express

• MongoDB

• Nest.js

• Postgres

• Sequelize

• WebSocke

Навчався в 1 закладі

Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу


Івано-Франківськ, 2009

Володіє мовами





Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

GoIT Full-Stack Developer

Київ, 2022

Додаткова інформація

Свій розділ

I am an experienced full-stack developer with a strong focus on building dynamic and scalable web applications leveraging modern technologies. On the frontend, I proficiently use React (Next.js) TypeScript. I have been working with AWS Lambda for serverless computing. I also have experience with DigitalOcean Kubernetes For database management, I prefer Postgres integrated with TypeORM. Additionally, I have experience with Docker to create isolated environments, Redis to cache data, and WebSockets to implement real-time communication in web applications


Full-Stack Developer


1 500 $

34 роки

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці

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