Працювала в 7 компаніях   9 років 9 місяців

IT, HR, Інше

Recruitment Specialist

Rocketech Software Development


11 місяців

08.2021 - 07.2022

? Full circle recruitment for various open positions within oustaffing teams or inside the company

? Couching and setting up goals to the Recruitment Researcher

? Regular reporting to Recruitment Lead and to hiring managers

Freelance recruiter



2 роки 3 місяці

05.2019 - 08.2021

? Maternity leave /Freelance recruitment projects since September 2020

? Sourcing and interviewing for technical and marketing vacancies for a few startups (hourly paid cooperation)

? Recruitment sourcing for one of the top 20 IT companies in Ukraine (by Dou.ua)

Senior Recruitment Specialist



6 місяців

11.2018 - 05.2019

? Full cycle recruitment from briefing and sourcing to HR, final interviews and Job Offer meetings along with hiring managers.

? Mainly technical vacancies and some mid-level management roles for the Ukrainian competence center (400+ FTE)

? Involved in recruitment events, in-house tech meetups and student employment forums conducted or participated by Materialise in Ukraine

? Reporting to Head of Departments regarding statuses of open positions. Reporting to hiring committees and headquarters in Belgium when needed.

? During the cooperation with Materialise closed successfully several vacancies and among them 3 BI engineers, Technical Product Owner, SharePoint developer, 2 C++ developers, Test engineer and others

Talent Acquisition specialist /Lead of Talent Acquisition group



1 рік 10 місяців

10.2016 - 08.2018

? Full cycle recruitment for various technical roles (Mid/Sen developers, tech/team leads, QA (manual/automation), DBA, DevOps engineers and sometimes administrative positions as well) for outstaffing and outsourcing projects

? Briefings and accountability for reporting and hiring tracking, providing pipeline for vacancies and share it on regular bases with customer stakeholders (architects, Product owners or CTO depending on customers) and internal Innovecs stakeholders. Providing stakeholders with recruitment marketing strategy when extra team should be hired in limited time, project from scratch or because of other reasons.

? Involvement in regular status report meetings with VP of Delivery, CTO, VP of Recruitment and CEO of Innovecs.

? Leading, mentor and sharing tasks between team of 2-3 recruiters and 2 researchers inside recruitment department as lead of one among 4 groups (from August of 2017) and being involved in interviewing of new team members to TA department.

? Helping in creation of various recruitment policies, processes and involvement in knowledge shearing for TA department.


? Promotion from Middle to Senior recruiter during the first 4 months and then to Lead of stream with continuing to be involved as Senior Recruiter.

? Participation in establishing recruitment briefing form for new and existing customers

? Participating in establishing of SLA for search and hire from junior to tech lead on such specializations as Node.JS, Java, DevOps engineer, Support, DBA, Database developer

Recruitment Specialist



2 роки

09.2014 - 09.2016

? Recruitment analytics regarding vacancy, customers, analytics of customer’s competitors who have relevant professionals, mind mapping of search

? Sourcing for the candidates using various resources (internal and external) and tools.

? Briefing with customers on open vacancies(on-site/relocation) which they outsource to us (various business areas with representatives in Ukraine, EU and USA)

? Interviewing candidates including soft skills, English level checking and giving of test tasks (if needed) before showing for CV review.

? Providing to the client candidate’s evaluation summary including experience overview, motivation factors, salary expectations, code example (if applicable) using our own or customer’s template.

? Negotiating on behalf of candidates about recruitment on client side and hiring process.

? Reporting to the line managers, customers(if needed) on regular basis


? Technology practice - Middle and Senior Developers (various programming languages and technical stacks), architects, QA engineers, Analysts, Team leaders, System administrators and DevOps engineers, Tech Support specialists and other IT specialists.

? Middle and Top management (IT and non-IT)


Professional Staff Recruitment


10 місяців

10.2013 - 08.2014

? briefing with clients about new vacancies (Ukrainian and foreign-based companies)

? searching for potential candidates using different sources

? carrying out skype/telephone job interviews

? coordination of candidate’s interviews with recruiters of customer

? coordinating the recruitment and hiring process on the candidate side.


? Technology practice - Middle and Senior Developers (various programming languages and technical stacks), QA engineers (both manual and automation), PMs , Team leaders.


Psychological center «Doktor Skazka»


1 рік

09.2012 - 09.2013

Carrying out workshops and trainings and taking part in its organization.

? Consulting of parents and work with children regarding psychological problems

? Participating in different volunteer programs.

Ключова інформація

Professional skills: HR interviewing (competencies, STAR, proactive method, case method) screening resumes; applicant tracking; recruitment analytics; client briefing; customer negotiations, IT recruitment, Middle and Top management recruitment; on-site and relocation recruitment; using of mind map; using of Amazing Hiring and Trubohiring; X-ray search/Boolean Search; Recruitin; Searchisback; LinkedIn search (Standard, Premium and Recruiter accounts), general experience of using Githab, StackOverflow; various Chrome and Firefox extensions for recruitment needs; experience of using Google+, Facebook, skype, telegram for candidates search and approaching ; professional using of Glassdoor.com, Xing.com, Goldenline.pl, Monster.com, HH.ua/ru, Work.ua, Rabota.ua, Upwork.com, Dou.ua, Djinni.co.

Computer Skills: MS office package, Google Drive, Atlassian Jira, Skype, Team Viewer, Slack, Workable, Microsoft Outlook (desktop and web), Google Hangouts, SharePoint, Dropbox, Discord

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Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова


Київ, 2013

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