Працювала в 4 компаніях   5 років 3 місяці


Product designer



1 рік 8 місяців

01.2023 - до теперішнього часу

- Used Lean UX Canvas methodology
- Identified product issue.
- Generated and prioritized hypotheses.
- Conducted research on users and their needs using proto-personas, JTBD, and Value Proposition Canvas.
- Determined product value for the user.
- Conducted competitor research using a competitive matrix and comparative functions.
- Created a Customer Journey Map (CJM) with product metrics for user flow indicators.
- Conducted user research through surveys and in-depth interviews

UI Ux Designer

XR Casino (NDA)


4 місяці

10.2022 - 02.2023

Created a design for an iGaming game in the metaverse.
- Development and maintenance of user interfaces, including design of icons, pages, functionality, and other elements.
- Collaboration with developers and project managers to improve product success
- Support for Ui style guide, design system.
- Optimization of existing screens to improve user interaction with the product.
- Creating elements for VR, MR, AR user interaction.
- Preparing promotional materials for conferences.

Ux Ui/Product designer

Traffic Squad (NDA)


1 рік

08.2021 - 08.2022

Created design by myself from scratch for iGaming project "Media Squad" for US and UK markets.
- Development of website and landing pages for the US and UK markets.
- Researching competitors (creating a matrix of competitors and comparative functions) to improve and determine the value of the product for users.
- Generated and validated hypotheses with the team to improve product metrics.
- Conducted quantitative and qualitative research.
- Conducted A/B tests in focus groups.
- Worked with an analyst to track and measure product metrics and analyze them.
- Complemented and improved the design of the system.
- Designed and improved screens taking into account information obtained from research.
- Adaptation to all digital devices, execute at evere stage of the design life cycle from ideation to delivery and then iteration
- Build wireframes and clicable prototypes

Ux Ui designer, Product designer



2 роки 2 місяці

06.2019 - 08.2021

Participated in design of DOC.UA web site and “DOC.UA Лікар”, “DOC.UA Пацієнт” applications
Applications are available in AppStore and GooglePlay.
- Worked on such UX methodologies as: Design Thinking and Human Centered Design.
- Researched CA: conducted surveys to determine their needs and desires.
- Analysis of competitors.
- Created user scenarios and protopersonas.
- Identified product issues with the team using analytics and user feedback.
- Generated and validated hypoteses.
- Optimized the functionality of the interface for convenient and effective user interaction with the product.
- Developed a clickable prototype.
- Prepared screens and conducted A/B tests with the team.
- Optimized the user journey (CJM).
- Desinging the structure and navigation of the interface.
- Complemented and improved the design of the system.
- Partially cooperated with analytics and data.
- Closely interacted with developers, managers and product owners.
- I drew the screens of web pages and landing pages.

Ключова інформація

Ux design, Ui design, Mobile design, App design, Figma, Lean UX Canvas, Prioritization of hypotheses, Performing In-Depth User Interviews and User Testing for design prototype, User research, Value Proposition Canvas, JTBD, Matrix of competitors, CJM, qualitative and quantitative research, User flow map, Wireframe, A/B testing,highly clickable prototype, Reviews and optimisation

Навчалась в 1 закладі


Володіє мовами



Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Apollo Design Practicum

Київ, 2023

SKVOT “We are VFX”

Київ, 2022

Projector “Product Design. Professium”

Київ, 2020


Ux Ui design, Product design


2 000 $

34 роки

повна зайнятість

Оновлено 2 місяці тому