Працював в 1 компанії   15 років 3 місяці



15 років 2 місяці

05.2009 - до теперішнього часу

Ключова інформація

Cryptocurrency copywriter since 2013.

Professional writer since 2009.

My first computer in 1993 had a 8088 CPU and a MS-DOS operation system. Since then, I’ve been engrossed in everything related to the contemporary computer and digital technologies. I got a higher technical education at the Civil Aviation Institute. My area of specialty was “Protection of Information in Airport Computer Networks”, I studied cryptography and cryptographic algorithms. I learned programming on my own using Tom Swan's Mastering Java With Visual J++, and got a BrainBench certificate in 2002.

My first job was programming industrial controller CPUs in Assembler. Applying and implementing technologies such as Perl, MySQL, PHP, and ASP+, I was promoted to the Head of IT Department of a large enterprise. I've worked as a freelancer translating software and computer-related texts from English since 2009. I can translate both into Russian and into Ukrainian. I propose to write articles about cryptocurrencies and other digital assets. I am also willing to write articles with keywords about software products, cryptography algorithms and math algorithms. I am able to prepare long reads and analyses.

Examples of my work include: Is the 9/80 work schedule effective? Assess it with productivity monitoring software. https://www.worktime.com/9-80-work-productivity-monitoring-software

Gradient boosting algorithms - their differences and common features, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AtxevHEi81roPUBkIMEhENO2yMFJHtfzGZONEq1oX9I/

I have knowledge of numerous protocols, algorithms, programming languages and frameworks.

Examples of my work include:

The main principles of building a business based on the SaaS model https://docs.google.com/document/d/15rftIkvWn7aFPIUfu2MSrKpFNEX8-4Gy-HjoYebMW3c/

What are the advantages of hire drupal development https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bEW3xj3q7O-p5C0h3PSV7lvgmiLSUnU4lp7eQDcxk5w/

Discord bot developers for hire - a great opportunity for your company https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jSqckUlNI1MRJe-fZYMIL0p0OQa-xQn7us-2wG2-lso/

Collaborated with many IT companies, cryptocurrency exchanges, P2P sites, blogs, DeFi and NFT projects.

Examples of my work include:

Metamask Wallet from the DeFi developer point of view https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MS9B5WxWRhXeh-Qv_50o2NRLwO3FRl-7HKg5NYDu0yA/

Что значит для Bitcoin бум DeFi? Объяснение простыми словами https://docs.google.com/document/d/1caIBz97HhDEdGJkn6Sm6dFAaJKBtkEVOSXWblfCwroI/

Produced a huge number of adapted translations from and into English. My materials are easy and pleasant to read. I will make the most complicated subject matter understandable and the most boring press release interesting.

Examples of my work include:

«За» и «против» цифровых валют центральных банков (Central Bank Digital Currencies, CBDC) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mIeCRgGJO3UD1ZCY6uwZQZRCvz0NyZ1R7JofudXXxdo

DAG зустрів BFT — наступне покоління консенсусу BFT https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n8SodcxWbVGyild02dEura_MzWuMfyxRmKVRLX6C8pA (українською мовою).

Elegantly write the keywords in the SEO-article.

Examples of my work include:

Avalanche - the most extraordinary of Ethereum's competitors, https://docs.google.com/document/d/14h7uvJpY9TaPO5YiIIDPwBkbCObX2qDDSA_OwDLZ63Y/

SEO-articles in English, about explaining in a clear and understandable way how cryptocurrencies are organised and work: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, IRISnet, Hive, Loki Network, ReddCoin, Ethereum Classic, DigiByte, Band Protocol, Decred, Bitcoin Gold, Horizen, Litecoin, Zcash, Monero, Cosmos, IOTA, Cardano, Bitcoin-SV, Bitcoin Cash, Particl, Lbry, DogeCoin, NEM, Ripple, NEO, Firo (Zcoin), Theta, Steem, Factom, Wax, Stellar, EOS, ICON, Lisk, Waves, Tron, Tezos, LBRY credits, Groestlcoin, RSK, Obyte, Beldex, Counos X, Terra KRW, PolkaDot.

I would be glad to work with you.

Michael @coinspot_ua

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Copywriter and content writer


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