Працювала в 4 компаніях   12 років 5 місяців

Недержавні організації / NGO, Державний сектор

Office assistant

Save the Children

Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 3 місяці

06.2023 - до теперішнього часу

- Participate in the development of the program and ways of its implementation;

- Drawing up a step-by-step plan for the implementation of the program, developing criteria for participation in the program, creating a single registration form, information posters and distributions;

- Meeting with local authorities, discussion of the purpose of the project and further cooperation;

- Meeting with beneficiaries, registering applications and processing information;- Project implementation according to terms and conditions.

Needs Assessment Monitor (project HelpAge International)

CF Right to protection

Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 2 місяці

04.2022 - 06.2023

Collection of information on humanitarian needs of displaced persons in Chernivtsi region.

Writing reports on the situation in the region and identifying critical humanitarian problems.

Implementation of the humanitarian aid project. Dispatch, registration and delivery of humanitarian aid.

Providing reports and documents according to the work done.

Advising beneficiaries on social issues, referral of lawyers and psychologists according to the needs of the beneficiaries.

Chief Specialist of the Department of Economics

Kherson Regional State Administration

Державний сектор

6 місяців

01.2020 - 07.2020

Correspondence with representatives of business and public organizations, organization of conferences for briefings of government and business representatives, compiling a list of business projects, keeping a register, monitoring the success of their implementation; Reception of citizens on economic issues, assistance in resolving their issues or referral to relevant authorities for further resolution of the issue;

Daily monitoring of food and fuel prices under quarantine conditions;

Maintenance of a unified database of the Council of Entrepreneurs of the Kherson region and its constant updating;

Chief Specialist of Social Policy Management

Kherson City Council

Державний сектор

9 років 3 місяці

08.2010 - 11.2019

Consultation of citizens on social issues, provision of information on city aid programs;Reception of applications, processing of personal data, collection of necessary documents and registration of financial assistance from the city budget;Participated in the commission for providing financial assistance to applicants who needed larger amounts of assistance;Maintaining and updating a single database of applicants, entering information and submitting a report to the Head of the Social Policy Department;Preparation and making up orders, resolutions of the head of the regional state administration regarding the allocation of the necessary amount approved by the commission for the payment of assistance to people who appealed to the local authorities;

Ключова інформація

Free use of a PC; Microsoft office;

Use of internal programs of organizations, databases

Навчалась в 2 закладах

Odesa Academy under the President of Ukraine

Major: Public Regulation and Administration

Одесса, 2019

Kherson State Agrarian University

Major: Organization Management

Херсон, 2012

Володіє мовами





Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


Office manager


35 років

повна зайнятість

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