Працював в 10 компаніях 15 років 1 місяць
Недержавні організації / NGO, Інше, АПК (Агропромисловий комплекс), Консалтинг / Аудит, Промисловість та Виробництво, Державний сектор
Deputy Protection Manager
Premiere Urgence Internationale
Недержавні організації / NGO
3 місяці
12.2024 - до теперішнього часу
Senior Protection Officer
FHI 360
Недержавні організації / NGO
9 місяців
02.2024 - 11.2024
- Supervised GBV prevention team in awareness-raising sessions and dignity kits dissemination
- Support of civil society organizations and community initiatives
- Developed case management SOPs
Civili Society Initiative Program Officer
International Commission on Missing Persons
1 рік 2 місяці
11.2022 - 01.2024
- Developed database including more than 200 national and international organizations involved in missing persons' issues
- Established and maintained partnerships with dozens of family associations and civil society organizations
- Organized and conducted needs assessments, workshops, and informational sessions
Protection Officer
Danish Refugee Council / Датский Совет по делам беженцев
2 роки 5 місяців
06.2020 - 11.2022
- Collaborated with local-self government bodies and civil society organizations, mapping
- Legal assistance for conflict-affected people and business
- Organized and conducted events (workshops, networking events)
Human Rights Defender
CF Right to Protection
Недержавні організації / NGO
4 місяці
02.2020 - 06.2020
laegal aid for IDP
Technical Officer (Legal)
Norwegian Refugee Council / NRC
Недержавні організації / NGO
4 роки 7 місяців
07.2015 - 02.2020
- Legal aid for more then 3,000 conflict-affected people
- Organized and conducted events (round tables, training events)
- Prepared articles for media and advocacy documents
- Organized information campaign
- Launched Community Mobilizers project
- Cooperated with implemented partners
АПК (Агропромисловий комплекс)
7 місяців
01.2015 - 08.2015
legal support of activity of the company (including corporate law, land law, work with contracts, commercial proceeding)
Luhansk Counsalt Agency
Консалтинг / Аудит
1 рік 3 місяці
10.2013 - 01.2015
legal support of small business (including corporate law, employment law, document control, work with contracts, commercial and administrative proceeding); search of new clients
Lawyer, Head of HR Department
Lugansk foundry and mechanical plant
Промисловість та Виробництво
2 роки
08.2011 - 08.2013
legal support of activity of the company (including corporate law, work with contracts, commercial, administrative and civil proceeding); organization of process related to human recourses
Civil Servant (Lawyer)
Luhansk City Council
Державний сектор
1 рік 5 місяців
02.2010 - 07.2011
litigation (commercial and administrative proceeding)
Ключова інформація
- implementation of projects in the humanitarian sphere (legal, economic, development, civil society, GBV)
- legal assistance and analysis
- supervision
- mapping
Навчався в 1 закладі
Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs
Luhansk, 2009
Володіє мовами
вище середнього
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Курси, тренінги, сертифікати
GBV online course (UNHCR)
International Organizations Management (Geneva University)
This course provides an introduction to International Organizations and the United Nations, and explores how business and management tools can be applied in these settings to achieve better, more effective results. This is an introductory course offered by the International Organizations MBA (IO-MBA) of the University of Geneva, an executive program for change-makers in international organizations, NGOs and social ventures.
Gender-Based Violence Core Concept (UNICEF)
Internal Displacement, Conflict and Protection (London University)
Key learning objectives: • Explain the main trends in internal displacement, and why IDPs merit special assistance • Assess ‘protection’ and ‘solutions’ for IDPs, including the links to development • Evaluate the experience of internal displacement, drawing on research and creative sources
What is Protection (DRC course)
English course on Preply (ongoing)
English speaking skills
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (UNHCR)
Training of trainers for lawyers (NRC course)
3-days training provided by Polly Bodgener
English for NGOs
45-hour English course
Landmines Safety Training (UN)
Basic Security in the Field II (UNDSS)
English for NGOs
18-weeks English courses
Legal Communication Skills Training
2-days Training provided by National University "Odessa Law Academy"
Introduction to Gender and GBV
2-days course organized by UNHCR
Prevention Corruption in Humanitarian Aid (Learning platform of International Red Cross)
First Aid (Ukraine Red Cross)
Protection (GBV, Partnership, Legal) Specialist / Supervisor

сьогодні ви можете відкрити ще 0 контактів
Готовий переїхати: Київ, Одеса, Миколаїв, Суми, Харків, Чернігів
Працює, але відкритий для пропозицій
повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота
Оновлено 2 тижні тому