Працював в 6 компаніях   13 років 1 місяць


Senior DevOps Engineer

Suntech Innovation


2 роки 6 місяців

03.2022 - до теперішнього часу

Designed and maintained cloud infrastructure on AWS, enhancing system reliability by 30%

Automated infrastructure deployment using Terraform, reducing manual errors by 50%

Implemented EFK logging cluster, improving logging efficiency and incident response time

Migrated applications to Kubernetes, optimizing resource utilization and scalability

Configured Varnish for load balancing and improved caching performance

Provided 24/7 production support, resolving critical issues within tight SLAs

Senior DevOps Engineer



2 роки 7 місяців

08.2019 - 03.2022

Architected and managed infrastructure for multiple projects on AWS cloud

Led a team of DevOps engineers in designing and deploying cloud-based solutions

Built and maintained monitoring systems using Prometheus and Grafana

Ensured seamless integration of AWS services into development processes

Automated CI/CD processes with GitLab CI, reducing deployment time by 40%

Migrated CI/CD from Jenkins to GitLab CI and codebase from Gerrit to GitLab

Led migration of Kubernetes clusters from KOPS to EKS, improving system scalability

Developed infrastructure automation using Terraform and Ansible

Conducted security audits and optimized system security protocols

Expert DevOps Engineer



1 рік 10 місяців

10.2017 - 08.2019

Designed and implemented infrastructure for various client projects

Developed and optimized CI/CD pipelines for multiple projects

Collaborated with managers and developers to improve processes and technology stacks

Set up monitoring systems using Prometheus and Grafana for real-time infrastructure insights

Configured infrastructure in AWS and GCP clouds

Developed automated deployment and delivery processes

DevOps Engineer



1 рік 11 місяців

11.2015 - 10.2017

Covering responsibility: DevOps Engineer, CTO, Head of local office, Project manager, Team lead.

Elaboration of product's architecture and design;

Built internal and external infrastructure:

  • virtualization: VMshare, XEN, AWS;
  • VPN: IPSEC, OpenVPN;
  • Nginx: Proxy and WEB ( + php-fpm) setup and configuration;
  • Installation and Configuration: Apache, MySQL, MSSQL;
  • DNS service: Cloudflare;
  • Corporate Google account administration;
  • JIRA management;

Built Continuous Integration process (Jenxins, Ansible, Docker, SonarQube, Selenium, Git, Jira); Applications and servers Monitoring: Zabbix, Monitis;

Built Backup, Recovery and Fail-Over systems;

System Security;

Writing Technical Documents;

Prepared the documents for licensing and participated in the process;

Personal management;

24/7 support.

Product Operation Specialist (Portal Dep.)



2 роки 1 місяць

08.2013 - 09.2015

  • product configuration and deployment (Puppet, scripts);
  • product architecture improvement;
  • Linux packaging (DEB, RPM);
  • documents writing;
  • new product release publishing (write ICR, release notes);
  • system tuning, describe new requirements;
  • bug searching;
  • dense work with developers and customers;
  • knowledge transfer within the Team;
  • task management (HP Service Desk, JIRA);
  • Jenkins configuration management;
  • automation scripts development (shell, php);
  • level 3 support;searching and formalization defects;JAVA debugging troubleshooting;product deployment;documents writing;knowledge transfer within the Team;task management;automation scripts development (shell, php);supporting JIRA system;
  • OnCall support 24/7

System Manager



1 рік 11 місяців

09.2011 - 08.2013

  • Development company's Infrastructure from 5 to over 120 different servers;
  • IT budgeting;
  • Planning;
  • Recruitment of team;
  • Training and education of staff;
  • Create documentation;
  • Search and purchase of equipment;
  • Deployment of products and process automation;
  • Security systems;
  • Cluster management;
  • Monitoring of servers and services;
  • Planning and goal setting. Performance control;
  • Formation and reporting guidelines;
  • Financial responsibility, control and cost accounting;

Ключова інформація

  • Higher technical education;
  • Experience with Unix System more than 15 years;
  • Wide experience with micro-services technology;
  • Strong development skills;
  • Strong knowledge of Networking and Web-Application and Databases;
  • Big experience with System- and Application- monitoring;
  • Cloud services;
  • Strong skills with automation;
  • Tasks Management;
  • Excellent troubleshooting skills;
  • Experience with highly loaded systems;
  • Good interpersonal skill;
  • High self-organization;
  • Rapid learning;

Навчався в 1 закладі

Vinnitsa's State Technical University

Engineer - electronics, designer - process engineer

Vinnitsa, Ukraine, 1996

Володіє мовами



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові







Курси, тренінги, сертифікати


Kиїв, 2022

Programming on Go

Додаткова інформація

Technical skills

  • Micro-services: docker, docker-compose, docker-machine docker-swarm, kubernetes, rancher, mesos;

  • AWS services: EC2, ECS, S3, EFS, S3Route, Glacier, VPC, CodeDeploy, IAM, RDS and so one;

  • Automation: jenkins, circleci, ansible, puppet, chef;

  • Code management: git, gitHub, gitLab, BitBucket;

  • Web Application: Apache, Nginx, Tomcat, YAWS;

  • Databases: MySQL, PostrgeSQL, SQLLite;

  • JavaScript;

  • Programming: shell, ruby, php, go;

  • Networking: TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, LDAP, SMTP, Firewall, LoadBalancer, Routing, VPN servers (IPSEC, OpenVPN), Squid, Mail Servers...);

  • Monitoring: Cacti, Nagios, Zabbix, Monitis;

  • Cloud services: AWS, Gcloud;

  • Atlassian JIRA;

  • Media WIKI

  • Software Deployment

  • Production Support

  • Security Management

  • Backup Solutions

  • Network Architecture

  • System Deployment

  • Remote Infrastructure

  • Investigative Reporting

  • Continuous Integration

  • Telecommunications

Hobbies and interests

IT Technologies (news, development, prospects)



  • Production Support
  • Team Management
  • IT Management

  • DNS management

  • Security Management

  • Technical Support

  • Customer Support

  • Reporting & Analysis

  • IT Recruitment

  • Financial Reporting

  • Technical Documentation

  • Investigative Reporting

  • Telecommunications

  • Mobile Advertising


Excellent IT position


DevOps Expert | Cloud Infrastructure | Automation Specialist | Team Lead | System Engineer Lead


Готовий переїхати: Інші країни

5 000 $

44 роки

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повна зайнятість

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Оновлено 8 годин тому