Працювала в 5 компаніях   20 років 9 місяців


Head of General Services and support unit

Sense Bank


10 років 10 місяців

11.2013 - до теперішнього часу

Built and support an internal ccustomer's service system

Administrative & logistic support

Duties and Obligations

  • Set up of documents delivery though courier service in the Bank all over Ukraine
  • Control over proper Bank's document turnover and archiving according to actual procedures of the Bank;
  • Supervision of taxi services rendering all over Ukraine (developing of limits, control of usage, reporting);
  • Supervision of cleaning services rendering all over Ukraine
  • Supervision of plastic and stationery supply;
  • Control of appropriate administration of all Insurance portfolio of the Bank (medical, liability, BBB, cash, premise, etc
  • Planning and constant strict control of budget of all General Services lines;
  • Participation in tenders conducting for all Lines of General Services;
  • Coordination of daily cooperation with Suppliers of all lines of Department, including claiming
  • Assets management
  • Business travelling
  • Corporate mobile service
  • Supervision of car fleet all over Ukraine (fleet optimization, control on costs for repair, cars sale and purchase, fuel consumption, cooperation with state authorities ref registration points);
  • Coordination and implementation the unitized processes for 2 banks according to the merge policy
  • Operation Risk manager of logistic department

Deputy director of Organization Division

OJSC UniCreditBank


3 роки 5 місяців

07.2010 - 12.2013

Man Management and optimization of internal processes of the Bank, procedural support

Duties and Obligations

  • Control of organization and execution of the development, implementation and support of bank processes and procedures related to banking products
  • Organization and execution of the control of bank procedures and observation of regulations
  • Control of organization and execution of the adaptation and improvement of existing processes and procedures according to changes of legislation in force
  • Control over implementation and accompanying of projects related to optimization of Bank's work processes and other projects that are planned to be initiated by UniCredit Banking Group
  • Control over activities efficiency analysis of the bank employees (AVA-project).
  • Participation and control of negotiations (such negotiations are aimed at optimization of costs of the Bank and are initiated by the relevant units of the Bank) regarding amendments to the contracts for rendering services between the Bank and third parties

Senior auditor of Department of Internal Audit

OJSC UniCreditBank


1 рік 11 місяців

08.2008 - 07.2010

Audit of units of Bank and Bank's operations;

? Management of an audit team - setting tasks for team members, setting deadlines of implementation of distinct phases of audit and monitoring the performance of task group members;

? Producing reports on audit result with conclusions on the assessment of the activities of structural units and / or functions that were audited with providing recommendations to correct deficiencies;

? Monitoring and control of the status of proceedings in audited units of Head Office and Branches of the Bank for elimination of the violations and deficiencies established by audits, building up an effective system of internal control and performance, coming up with an action plan aimed at getting rid of violations;

? Participation in internal investigations carried out by the Bank;

? Consulting the Banks' units and employees on economic and financial activities, accounting and other matters relating to competence of audit department.

Senior auditor of Internal audit department.

PJSC „Bank Forum”


2 роки 4 місяці

04.2006 - 08.2008

Audit of all operations of balanced branches (currency operations; operations with payment cards; deposits of money; opening accounts; operations with cash; cashless payments; lending operations (private and corporate clients).

? Performing reports on audit results with conclusions on the assessment of the activities of structural units and / or functions that were audited with providing recommendations to correct deficiencies

Internal auditor

JSB “Brokbusinessbank”


2 роки 3 місяці

01.2004 - 04.2006

? Audit of currency operations;

? Audit of operations with payment cards

? Audit of AML (Anti money Laundering);

? Audit of money deposits;

? Audit of opening accounts.

Ключова інформація

  • Management
  • Processes Improvement
  • Procedures Creation
  • Processes Optimization
  • Lean: problems solving by Toyata approach (Lean institute)
  • Processes management (Project Management Bureau)
  • Built and support an internal customer's service system
  • Financial Analysis
  • Risk Management
  • Internal Audit
  • Internal Investigations
  • Audit Reports
  • Managing people (team over 100 people)

Навчалась в 2 закладах

Kyiv Institute of Law of National Academy of Internal Affairs

speciality – lawyer

Київ, 2005

East-Ukrainian National University

Master’s degree, diploma with distinction.

Луганськ, 2002

Володіє мовами


вище середнього

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


Administrative & logistic director/ Internal audit/ project management


44 роки

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