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Вакансия закрыта

Fleet Officer

1 месяц назад
11 апреля 2024
Киевул. Січових Стрільців, 50

ACTED — французька неурядова організація, заснована в 1993 році, яка підтримує вразливі верстви населення, які постраждали від гуманітарних криз у всьому світі. ACTED надає постійну підтримку вразливим громадам шляхом забезпечення стійкості післякризових заходів та готовності до довгострокових викликів, що стоять перед населенням, з метою подолання циклу бідності, сприяння розвитку та зменшення вразливості до катастроф. Наші співробітники завжди готові реагуванню в надзвичайні ситуації, підтримці та відновленню сталого розвитку через 450 проектів у 43 країнах.


 Fleet & transportation management

  1. Support vehicles allocations, purchase or rental based on program & transversal needs ;
  2. Update and follow up all fleet in country
  3. Support efficient monthly, weekly & daily planning & movements follow-up tools;
  4. Contribute to ensure that ACTED fleet management guidelines are applied in the at all times: logbooks, registration & maintenance sheets, etc. 
  5. Contribute to review & implement an efficient maintenance strategy in the area (in terms of operations as well as in terms of costs): handle market surveys of maintenance facilities, genuine spare parts market, develop practical tools to anticipate vehicles availability, etc.
  6. Contribute to ensure that security & safety guidelines are applied in every vehicle in use, and for any movement;
  7. Support the monthly physical inventory of fleet, and update related tools accordingly;
  8. Contribute to calculate and check the monthly cost of each vehicle (fuel consumption, repairs, insurance, etc.); investigate and solve major over-costs; report major increases in fleet costs the ALM.
  9. Support the identification of transportation companies for needs that can’t be covered by ACTED fleet, taking into account opportunities made available through the humanitarian community (logistics cluster, UN flights, etc.): vehicle rental companies, air cargo companies, boat lines, etc.
  10. Contribute to coordinate stock transfers or deliveries accordingly by developing coordination tools such as timetables, operational meetings, etc., in close coordination with the ALM.
  11. Support loading and unloading of goods;
  12. Support administrative requirements toward customs and any other local authority when transporting goods/staff;
  13. Contribute to organize regular drivers training and refreshers (driving, security & safety, basic maintenance, crisis management, etc);
  14. Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of fleet & transportation documentation as detailed in ACTED logistics manual (logbooks, maintenance sheets, administrative authorizations, insurance cards, etc.).

 Fuel management

  1. Contribute to manage fuel supply in the area in compliance with ACTED procurement guidelines; anticipate & mitigate fuel supply risks if any.
  2. Support minimum fuel quality requirements;
  3. Contribute to ensure that ACTED fuel management guidelines are applied in the area at all times: fuel slips, fuel bills, standard consumption rates, etc.
  4. Support the maintenance of appropriate storage facilities for fuel, as per security & safety guidelines;
  5. Contribute to the monthly fuel inventory, and update related tools accordingly; discrepancies with standard consumption rates should be investigated and documented. 
  6. Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of fuel documentation as detailed in ACTED logistics manual (logbooks, fuel slips & bills, etc.).


  • Bachelor's degree in logistics, transportation, or economics. (will be an advantage)
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in fleet management.
  • Experience in humanitarian sector
  • Proficiency in English language.
  • Strong time management and prioritization skills.
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work in a team.

Ми пропонуємо

  • Офіційне працевлаштування;
  • Регулярний перегляд зарплат;
  • 28 календарних днів відпустки на рік;
  • Дружня мультикультурна команда;
  • Комфортний офіс у центральній частині міста;
  • Кар'єрний ріст;
  • Медичне страхування після випробувального терміну (3 місяці).


“ACTED has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH). Please note that any candidate offered a job will sign the Code of Conduct, and related policies, as part of their work contract. Misconduct can lead to dismissal.”


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