Поиск работы на robota.uaukraine

Logistics Officer

1 неделю назад
07 июня 2024
Киевул. Січових Стрільців, 50р-н. Шевченковскийметро Лукьяновская
В офисе/на месте
Полная занятость
Дополнительные выходные
Компенсация путешествий
Офис с генератором
Офис с бомбоубежищем
Медицинская страховка

ACTED — французька неурядова організація, заснована в 1993 році, яка підтримує вразливі верстви населення, які постраждали від гуманітарних криз у всьому світі. ACTED надає постійну підтримку вразливим громадам шляхом забезпечення стійкості післякризових заходів та готовності до довгострокових викликів, що стоять перед населенням, з метою подолання циклу бідності, сприяння розвитку та зменшення вразливості до катастроф. Наші співробітники завжди готові реагуванню в надзвичайні ситуації, підтримці та відновленню сталого розвитку через 450 проектів у 43 країнах.


Contribute to timely, cost efficient & transparent supply chain management in the area :

1.1 Procurement 

  1. Ensure that ACTED procurement guidelines are applied at all times for all procurements assigned by the line manager;
  2. Contribute to maintain the local supplier database up-to-date & to build a strategic view of sourcing ;
  3. Contribute to coordinate procurement with capital & other field offices logistics & program staff. Anticipate procurement risks such as tender failure, delivery planning, seasonality, budget restrictions, custom clearance, etc., and liaise efficiently with other departments and the line manager to mitigate such risks. Major risks identified should be directly raised to the line manager promptly.
  4. Ensure the timely implementation of procurements under his/her responsibility in full compliance with ACTED logistics procedures, in particular procurement scenarios & level of authorizations.
  5. Contribute to maintain framework contracts for running supplies/services/works in alignment with ACTED procurement guidelines; ensure constant availability of running supplies/services/works such as fuel, stationery, transportation means, etc.
  6. Apply the value for money principle throughout the procurement process by implementing sound suppliers/service providers/contractors offers comparison, physical quality check, search for the best prices, etc.
  7. Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of procurement documentation as detailed in ACTED logistics manual (tender documents, contracts, quotations, etc.);

Stocks & deliveries

  1. Contribute to identify warehouses/storage space based on needs in the area, with a strategic view of flows & interconnections between locations & ACTED offices in coordination with the line manager. Support the furnishing, securing & maintenance of premises.
  2. Contribute to ensure goods transportation means are secured such as rental trucks, air cargo, etc.
  3. Follow-up deliveries under his/her responsibility based on contractual terms. Liaise efficiently with suppliers for timely deliveries in particular, or efficient solving of any unexpected issue.
  4. Contribute to anticipate & mitigate delivery risks such as: transportation, legal authorizations, custom clearance, quality check, etc.
  5. Support efficient planning for deliveries to the project teams, and contribute to maintain a regular information toward Project Managers about their stock levels & expected lead-times;
  6. Ensure that ACTED stocks & delivery guidelines are applied at all times ;
  7. Contribute to maintain and disseminate a monthly stock report for every project;
  8. Handle periodic inventories, and clear stock discrepancies in a documented manner;
  9. Contribute to ensure the exhaustion of stocks before the project ending dates and to provide projects final stock reports to the line manager as per donors’ guidelines;
  10. Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of stocks & deliveries documentation as detailed in ACTED logistics manual (stock reception vouchers, stocks cards, stock exit forms, etc.).


  1. Contribute to the up-to-date order follow-up and to disseminate the tool to all operational managers.
  2. Support the quantity & quality check at every step of the supply chain;
  3. Handle random checks during field visits as well as amongst daily management tasks to check overall traceability of items.

 Contribute to ensure timely, cost efficient & transparent transversal logistical management:

Asset management

  1. Support assets allocations, purchase or rental based on program & transversal needs in the area;
  2. Contribute to ensure that ACTED asset management guidelines are applied in the area at all times: registration cards, monthly asset follow-up, etc.
  3. Contribute to maintain an up-to-date monthly asset follow-up per project code, budget line, with a clear location & user for each asset; investigate and document any loss or damage.
  4. Support monthly and random asset inventories to check the monthly asset follow-up reliability, and take any corrective action needed;
  5. Contribute to review & implement an efficient maintenance strategy (in terms of operations as well as in terms of costs): handle market surveys of maintenance services, develop practical tools to anticipate assets availability, etc.
  6. Contribute to regular staff training and refreshers (right use of computers & radios, installation & use of generators, etc);
  7. Support the transfer or donation of assets before project ending dates, and the projects final asset reports for the line manager as per donors’ guidelines;
  8. Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of asset documentation as detailed in ACTED logistics manual (registration cards, etc.).

2.2 Premises management

  1. Support the identification & contracting of premises (offices, guesthouses & warehouses) based on geographical, operational, security, and financial criteria, in close liaison with the line manager.
  2. Contribute to upgrade of each premises up to ACTED standards;
  3. Contribute to ensure proper working & living conditions for all staff in each premises by providing in particular appropriate power supply, drinking water, stationery, etc.
  4. Support preventive & corrective maintenance or works of premises;
  5. Contribute to maintain a monthly physical inventory of other goods (in addition to the monthly asset follow-up on another hand);
  6. Contribute to ensure that security & safety guidelines are applied in every premises;
  7. Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of premises documentation (lease agreements, security assessments, etc.)

 Communications & IT management 

  1. Support communication & IT needs & communication means allocations, purchase or rental accordingly based on program & transversal needs in the area;
  2. Contribute to ensure that ACTED communication & IT management guidelines are applied in the area;
  3. Contribute to maintain a monthly communication costs follow-up; investigate and solve major over-costs; report major increases in communication costs to the line manager.
  4. Support the fulfilment of administrative requirements toward local authorities for communication means in use;
  5. Contribute to define & implement the IT plan in the area: handle market surveys of maintenance services, internet connections opportunities, etc. The general objective is to ensure that ACTED in the area benefits from the best technological services at the best price, depending on budget, and based on ACTED global standards.
  6. Support the monthly data back-up (server, emails, etc.) as per replication standards;
  7. Contribute to IT staff regular training & refreshers;
  8. Contribute to ensure IT security guidelines in the area, and take any needed corrective action; contribute to IT security crisis management in close liaison with the line manager if required.
  9. Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of communication & IT documentation (lease agreements, security assessments, etc.)

 Ensure compliance to ACTED & donors’ procedures in all logistics operations under his/her responsibility and actively promote logistics procedures:

  1. Ensure ACTED logistics manual is applied for all operations under his/her direct responsibility; contribute to improve logistics procedures knowledge by logistics, finance, program and coordination teams;
  2. Promote the zero-tolerance policy regarding corruption and ensure adherence to ACTED Code of Conduct and Anti-Fraud policy;
  3. Contribute to monthly logistics TITANIC under the line manager supervision, carefully checking the reliability & relevance of data reported from field offices;
  4. Handle field visits with clear ToRs, including ad hoc checks (asset & stock inventories, fuel consumption, etc.) and written report following each visit; the planning & ToR should be shared with the line manager & the Area Coordinator in advance.
  5. Organize regular logistics staff training & refreshers internally about ACTED procedures, lessons learnt, FAQ, etc. throughout workshops or field visits; 
  6. Capitalize on lessons learnt through memos, training module, etc. for continuous improvements of logistics compliance in the area, under the line manager supervision; 
  7. Contribute to follow-up & update internal & external audit report for logistics, under the line manager supervision;
  8. Support a timely and accurate logistics document flow to the Finance and Transparency/Compliance departments as per ACTED global audit manual;
  9. Support the preparation of external audits as per Regional Audit teams instructions, under the line manager supervision.

 Contribute to the implementation safety & security guidelines, SOP & plans

  1. Ensure and control the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) related to premises, communication and movement;
  2. Support the preparedness (check contingency kits, first aid kits etc.) to evacuation and contingency plans in capital;
  3. Control the implementation of mitigation measures and security rules according to the local context and ensure compliance with Minimum Operating Security Standards (MOSS);
  4. Report security breaches if any.

 Contribute to logistics staff capacity building :

  1. Train & build capacities of logistics staff; identify staff with potential.
  2. Support coordination between the logistics team and Project Managers, Technical coordinators, Area coordinators and Sub-Area coordinators to facilitate effective, efficient and timely program implementation.
  3. Represent ACTED with relevant logistics and communication networks, in place of the line manager in his/her absence;
  4. Participate in area level coordination meetings, in place of the line manager in his/her absence;
  5. Support any other area/office if requested by the line manager;
  6. Contribute to Emergency Response planning and Contingency Planning efforts for logistics and procurement needs and execution under the line manager supervision if requested.

Ми пропонуємо

  • Офіційне працевлаштування;
  • Регулярний перегляд зарплат;
  • 28 календарних днів відпустки на рік;
  • Дружня мультикультурна команда;
  • Комфортний офіс у центральній частині міста;
  • Кар'єрний ріст;
  • Медичне страхування після випробувального терміну (3 місяці).


“ACTED has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH). Please note that any candidate offered a job will sign the Code of Conduct, and related policies, as part of their work contract. Misconduct can lead to dismissal.”



Негосударственные организации / NGO Сайт компании
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