Эта вакансия уже завершена
ACTED — французька неурядова організація, заснована в 1993 році, яка підтримує вразливі верстви населення, які постраждали від гуманітарних криз у всьому світі. ACTED надає постійну підтримку вразливим громадам шляхом забезпечення стійкості післякризових заходів та готовності до довгострокових викликів, що стоять перед населенням, з метою подолання циклу бідності, сприяння розвитку та зменшення вразливості до катастроф. Наші співробітники завжди готові реагуванню в надзвичайні ситуації, підтримці та відновленню сталого розвитку через 450 проектів у 43 країнах.
- The procurement specialist if responsible for undertaking the most complex procurement tasks within the Acted Ukraine logistics department, included but not limited to construction, rehabilitation and contracting of qualified specialists.
They are secondarily responsible for implementing standards of procurement, including templates and SOP for the completion of complex tasks, as well as support in the operationalization of tools and software to support the activities.
- General objectives of the position:
- Procurement according to ACTED procurement guidelines
- In collaboration with Country Logistics Manager, use and develop tools and strategies to improve procurement processes
- Support and train ACTED staff from other departments or bases on procurement processes
- Carry out detailed analysis of ACTED past contracts and develop workflows for continuous improvement and data driven solutions.
- Maintaining an organized database of tools and SOP for the performance of work within procurement division.
Specific Responsibilities:
The candidate has to be comfortable with the following responsibilities:
- Review procurement requests and undertake processes in line with ACTED procurement procedures.
- Attend the bid opening, taking notes
- To enter the data for all the tenders in ACTED specific formats of any project according to ACTED standards and regulations
- To ensure the data is entered correctly and crosscheck them after completion to make sure there no mistake/miss calculation
- To assist the procurement manager to draft all necessary procurement documents for validation.
- Manage communications with prospective bidders and vendors through the procurement email or via telephone
- Contracting and follow-up with suppliers
- Ensure the non-winning suppliers receive notification from ACTED about the status of their bids.
- Participate in the joint verification of procured goods, services and works and to ascertain the conformity of the item to Technical Specifications and Quantities
- Constantly search the market for new suppliers that may provide better service or value for money for ACTED procurement
- Reviews and ensures all contractual terms and conditions, especially deliverables and invoices, are all properly provided
- Ensure that ACTED procurement guidelines are applied at all times for all procurements assigned by the CLM;
- Contribute to maintain the local supplier database up-to-date & to build a strategic view of sourcing in the area;
- Contribute to coordinate procurement with capital & other field offices logistics & program staff. Anticipate procurement risks such as tender failure, delivery planning, seasonality, budget restrictions, custom clearance, etc., and liaise efficiently with other departments and the Area Coordinator and CLM to mitigate such risks. Major risks identified should be directly raised to the Area Coordinator and CLM promptly.
- Ensure the timely implementation of procurements under his/her responsibility in full compliance with ACTED logistics procedures, in particular procurement scenarios & level of authorizations.
- Apply the value for money principle throughout the procurement process by implementing sound suppliers/service providers/contractors offers comparison, physical quality check, search for the best prices, etc.
- Support the efficient & exhaustive circulation, filing & archiving of procurement documentation as detailed in ACTED logistics manual (tender documents, contracts, quotations, etc.), including tools, templates and SOP for efficient workflows.
- To help the purchase team to update the order follow up
- To ensure the correct archiving of all documentation related to Procurement
- Responsible for compliance with all the procurement procedures.
Supply Chain
- Maintain and update a supplier database with relevant information to support strategic sourcing.
- Develop and share understanding of the market to other logistics staff to support their work
- Develop and maintain a good database of supplies prices, for support in price estimation.
Stocks & deliveries
- Contribute to ensure goods transportation means are arranged (as required) such as rental trucks, air cargo, etc.
- Follow-up deliveries under his/her responsibility based on contractual terms. Liaise efficiently with suppliers for timely deliveries in particular, or efficient solving of any unexpected issue.
- Contribute to anticipate & mitigate delivery risks such as: transportation, legal authorizations, custom clearance, quality check, etc.
- Support efficient planning for deliveries to the project teams, and contribute to maintain a regular information toward Project Managers about their expected lead-times;
- Ensure that ACTED stocks & delivery guidelines are applied in the area at all times ;
- To make sure that all supply and procurement documents have been filed properly and in a safe place (sharepoint ACTED Ukraine)
- To ensure that all project files are labeled correctly and are clear enough with clear project codes
- Provide dully filled report to his/her supervisor
Job Specification
- At least a University degree in logistic or relevant field is preferred.
- Past experience as a procurement officer is preferred.
- Full knowledge of MS Office, in particular Excel.
- Full command of English language (written, spoken, understanding, and comprehending)
- Proper negotiation skill.
- Able to build a professional relationship with the vendors, suppliers, contractors etc.
- Experience with training would be a plus.
- Strong and proven integrity, time management; work prioritization skills,
- Ability to multi-task. Work under pressure and handle numerous tasks simultaneously in a timely manner.
Увага! Згідно чинного законодавства, при працевлаштуванні військовозобов'язані громадяни України зобов'язані надати військово-облікові документи та оновити свої військово-облікові дані.
Attention! Per current legislation, individuals subject to military service duty must provide updated military registration documents while being employed.
Ми пропонуємо
- Офіційне працевлаштування;
- Регулярний перегляд зарплат;
- 28 календарних днів відпустки на рік;
- Дружня мультикультурна команда;
- Кар'єрний ріст;
- Медичне страхування після випробувального терміну (3 місяці).
“ACTED has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH). Please note that any candidate offered a job will sign the Code of Conduct, and related policies, as part of their work contract. Misconduct can lead to dismissal.”
Solomiia Slipachyk