Ключевая информация

I took part in international project. Purpose of this project was to move five young people with technical education to SC Johnson's plant in Netherland (modern, automated, large plant for the production of aerosols and liquids- Pronto, Toilet Duck, Mr. Mussel, Glade, Off etc. ) for 3 years and then move back to Ukraine for the transfer of unique experience to Kyiv's SCJ factory.

I was technical trainee on aerosols and liquids filling production lines(World Class Manufacturing, working with

orders in SAP, Total productive maintenance, Lean manufacturing)

Учился в 2 заведениях

The National University of Food Technology

Food production Engineer

Ukraine, 2003

Uman Agrotechnical College

Food procession mechanic


Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

VCA(Safety in Production for Supervisors(Netherland)

Netherland, 2009

Safety in production area

Дополнительная информация


Job in foreign company (related to equipment or production)


Production manager(World Class Manufacturing)

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1 500 $

45 лет

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