Работал в 8 компаниях   17 лет 3 месяца

IT, Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт, Интернет, Энергетика и Энергоносители, Консалтинг / Аудит

Lead Financial Controller



1 год 11 месяцев

08.2022 - по настоящее время

Senior Financial Controller



1 год 1 месяц

06.2021 - 07.2022


  • Preparation monthly Fin. Report to Head of EMEA Region, include deteail comments on all deviaitons
  • Presentation all requested Reports to Head of EMEA Region and to all Users which responsible for this Region
  • Close working with Delivary Managers during monthly closing process
  • Verification of data from Financial Partners of correctness of reporting
  • Preparation all necessary reporting to Head of Financial Partners


  • Preparation and analysis of the forecast on a monthly basis
  • Preparation of a plan-factor analysis based on the results of the forecast
  • Preparation of reports for Financial Partners, which is necessary during process of preparing the Forecast


  • Preparation of consolidated financial statements for Head of EMEA Region
  • Preparation of Presentations and others Ad-Hock requests

Other resposibilities:

  • Automating and improving reports
  • Working with large databases

Financial Controller KENZO & Shared Finance Costs

LVMH / Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton

Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт

4 года 9 месяцев

09.2016 - 06.2021

Working on three directions: Brand Kenzo (markets: Ukraine & Republics), SFC (shared financial cost) & Supply Chain

Brand controlling:

  • Preparation of monthly financial reporting standard pattern.
  • Preparation of detailed monthly analysis of expenditures by type and by cost centers, variance analysis of the indicators incorporated in the budget, as well as indicators of previous periods.
  • Encoding accounts and other similar documents in collaboration with the accounting and other departments of the Employer.
  • Participation in the preparation of a three-year business plan.
  • Preparation of quarterly reports under IFRS standards.
  • Analysis of profitability (for each of the clients of the Employer, each point of sale customers of the Employer, the activities and lines of products, etc.).
  • Participation in the conduct of internal audit.
  • Assisting with the heads of trade marks, chief financial officer and other departments in the various financial and other business projects, subject information and consent of the manager or the employee.

Financial Controlling:

  • Planning and budgeting the cost of the brand and the company's overhead (3 times a year).
  • Control Costs, use of budget approval.
  • Planning and control of the budget fixed assets.
  • Preparation of monthly reporting by line in accordance with IFRS (balance sheet, income statement).
  • Preparation of monthly reporting overhead by cost.
  • Business plan-fact analysis of variance.
  • Ad-Hoc reports.
  • Preparation of presentations.

Supply Chain controlling:

  • Planning and budgeting of the Supply Chain cost (3 times a year).
  • Control Costs, use of budget approval.
  • Planning and control of the budget fixed assets for Supply Chain.
  • Preparation of monthly reporting overhead by cost.
  • Business plan-fact analysis of variance Ad-Hoc reports
  • Preparation of presentations
  • WH visit on the regular basis
  • Supply Chain cost optimization
  • Participation in the conduct of internal audit of Supply Chain part

Additional daily/monthly responsobilities:

  • Analysis of investment project
  • Working under cost optimization
  • Control of account receivable and account payable status
  • Control of activity of marketing, purchase, logistic and sells departments
  • Control of daily payment for materials and service, related to business activity of brand
  • Uploading all information regarding budgets, fin. Results, forecasting and etc. in ERP's systems
  • Working under strictly deadlines

Financial Controller



1 год 5 месяцев

03.2015 - 08.2016

Job responsibilities:

- Transformation & Consolidation finance reports;

- Working with preparation of Budgets Company (annual and monthly);

- Preparation and analysis of KPI;

- Preparation consolidate file with all Financial results for direction

- Creating of Presentations (for internal & external users)

- Calculation projects

- Calculation indicats of rentable for lines of activity

Results and achievements:

During process working in Company ModnaKasta - I received practik experiance working in E-Commerce sphere.

Financial Controller

Schlumberger Services Ukraine

Энергетика и Энергоносители

2 года 2 месяца

11.2012 - 01.2015

Job responsibilities:

  • Transformation of accounting from Local GAAP (PSBU) into USA GAAP
  • Uploading all transaction into Oracle
  • Analysis of Revenue and Expenses. Accruals posting
  • Preparation of Fixed Assets movement report (M12)
  • Preparation all monthly reports regarding to Company's rules
  • Balance Sheet Notes and Reconciliations (Bank, Receivables, Payables, VAT, DSO, bad debts)
  • Working with Geomarket Financial controller as part of monthly reporting and consolidation
  • Contracts and primary supporting documents review
  • Working with IC Invoices and preparing all support documents for paying
  • Working with Government departments for receiving permitting documents
  • Working with Outsourcing Company's
  • Preparation of budgets Companies (annual and monthly)
  • Preparing accounting information for Internal Audit
  • Cooperation with Tax Department and Asset coordinator
  • Results and achievements:

    Got experience in transformation of local GAAP reports to US GAAP. Successful implementation of Oracle and FMS ERPs.

Внешний аудитор


Консалтинг / Аудит

11 месяцев

12.2011 - 11.2012

Job responsibilities:

  • Audit of the financial statements under IFRS and local GAAP (PSBU);
  • Participation is stock counts ;
  • Transformation and preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS ;
  • Consolidation reporting;
  • Preparation of disclosures by major accounting positions (Fixed assets, reserves ,AR and AP, etc.);
  • Working with programs 1C versions 7.7 and 8.1 , as well as programs and similar FinEkspert ;

Results and achievements:

Got experience in transformation and consolidation of financial statements. Adjusting entries compiling. Work was carried out in the «multitasking» mode on several projects in one time - data collection, analysis, questions answering. Got understanding of the accounting specifics for agricultural, oil and gas companies, industrial plants, energy companies.

Помощник аудитора


Консалтинг / Аудит

2 года 10 месяцев

02.2009 - 12.2011

Job responsibilities:

  • Participation in field audits and audit reports preparation;
  • Work directly with clients;
  • Participation in stock counts;
  • Analysis of financial reporting, etc.

Results and achievements:

Financial statement analysis. Gained experience working with clients

Помощник юриста


Консалтинг / Аудит

1 год 9 месяцев

05.2007 - 02.2009

Job responsibilities:

  • Analysis of primary documentation;
  • Organizing of documentation workflow;
  • Drawing up of legal reports;
  • Checking of documents for compliance with the legislation in force;
  • Provision of advisory services.

Results and achievements:

Analysis of contracts and certificates for compliance with applicable law. Provision of recommendations for residents and non-residents related to legal issues at various stages of the enterprise development. Collection, analysis and reporting on the audited documents

Ключевая информация


Implementation of ERP systems in Company (Oracle, FMS, Lawson)

Working in stressful schedule with striсtly deadlines

Учился в 2 заведениях

Национальная Металургическая Академия Украины


Днепропетровск, 2010

Днепропетровский транспортно экономический техникум


Днепропетровск, 2004

Владеет языками



Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Power BI

Киев, 2023

Learning course "Power Bi" (Power Query, Power Pivot, DAX, Power BI) provided by Laba training-centre

Advanced Excel

Киев, 2022

Learning course "Advanced Excel" provided by Laba training-centre


Киев, 2014

CIMA DipPM (Rus) - международная квалификация по управленческому учету и управлению эффективностью бизнеса.

Pass Р1

Тренинг "Внутренний аудит"

Киев, 2012

Тренинг по программе "внутренний аудитор"


Financial Manager, Head of Budgeting


37 лет

полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа

Обновлено 1 месяц назад