Работал в 13 компаниях 23 года 3 месяца
АПК (Агропромышленный комплекс), Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт, Промышленность и Производство, FMCG, Недвижимость и Девелопмент
Business Development Manager
Tolsma Teknik
АПК (Агропромышленный комплекс)
1 год 4 месяца
11.2023 - по настоящее время
- Developed the concept of selling equipment for optical sorting to enterprises that grow berries, fruits, and vegetables- Established relations with corn processing enterprises of TOP-3 companies in Ukraine - Bayer/Monsanto, Kernel, Remington- Structured the database and connected new clients to the client base - Concluded new foreign economic contracts with clients in Ukraine- Developed a database of clients who received grants for the purchase of equipment
IC Channel Manager
Puratos Ukraine
Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт
2 года 2 месяца
09.2021 - 11.2023
+38 095 281 82 90
- Developed the concept of sales development of the Triangle Approach project (interaction "Manufacturer-Company-Seller")- Development of sales of the Company's product categories in sales channels: Bakery, Patisserie, Real Chocolade and online stores (internet sales)- Development Sales structure in the HoReCa channel (restaurants, mini-bakeries)- Development Sales structure in the Patisserie channel, creating a customer base and selling confectionery ingredients and chocolate for production
Business Development Manager
Energon Turkey
Промышленность и Производство
9 месяцев
12.2020 - 09.2021
+38 095 281 82 90
Carried out segmentation of the battery market, developed terms of sales and logistics of batteries
Identified key customers, created a base of key players in the energy market of Ukraine
Business Development Manager
Jahn Jensen Group
1 год 5 месяцев
07.2019 - 12.2020
Implemented the Fast Money project (rapid investments return) in the All Key Accounts
Implemented Technical Import Project for key clients networks, made proposals for supermarket chains, made decisions about import of seasonal products, other novelties of the European confectionery market
Strategic revenue management approach
Strategy alignment, defining key growth drivers and joint business planning with TOP 5 customer
Developed a product matrix that consisted of TOP products for supermarket chains
Category Management project - implemented, calculated the financial efficiency of new products. Result: growth of the category "Confectionery" 18% vs.LY
NPD. TOP 5 Biggest European Confectionery Brands in TOP 5 Ukrainian chains. Result: introduction of new products and replacement of low-selling goods, which increased sales growth
Due to excellent communications with the Heads and representatives of European Companies, attracted new European confectionery brands (conclusion of distribution agreements with them) into the overall brand portfolio of the Company.
Result: the beginning of these brands products supply to the supermarket chains
Budgeting,forecasting,planning of sales volumes
Negotiating, developing and agreeing the terms of future sales in TOP 5 Ukrainian key accounts and concluding directly contracts with TOP 5 ukrainian accounts for new products, implemented a Marketing Plan for the new brands
Business Development Director
LLC Elbfine
2 года 1 месяц
06.2017 - 07.2019
Created a strategy for brand development of all Ukrainian key clients
Managing annual negotiation campaign, signing contracts
Strategy alignment, defining key growth drivers and joint business planning with the customer
Created Terms&Conditions for all Ukrainian Key Accoounts
Negotiated with the managers European manufacturing companies about the supply of products to Ukraine, in the supermarket chain on exclusive terms. Result: sales of these brands to the Ukrainian market, deliveries to the supermarket chains
Developed conditions for the sale of confectionery products of European brands to Ukraine networks
NPD. Participated in international exhibitions, found new European partners, concluded contracts NPD to Ukraine
Segmented the market for targeted brand sales in networks
Created a Sales Plan for Key Accounts
Analyzed team sales by the daily cycle
Conducted coaching, trainings for the sales team, merchandising bureau based on the analysis of the team's performance results, summing up the work results for the periods
Negotiated with TOP-7 European manufacturers about the terms of products delivery to Ukraine
Supervised the process of payments for product manufacturers, was responsible for financial discipline within the Company
Assisted in the development of the Marketing Plan, the Sales Development Strategy of the main European brands, the development of innovative marketing activities in Ukraine
Tracked new products and brands on the European market, negotiated with European partners of new brands for the further sale of products in Ukraine
Strategic revenue management approach, P&L ownership to deliver the top-line growth and meeting trade expenditures limits with focus on ROI effectiveness
Implemented Technical Import Projects for key clients networks
Subordinates - Key Account Managers (5 people). Functional subordinates - 15+ people (Key Account supervisors, Trade Marketing, Sales Operations, Logistics and Finance executives
National Key Account Manager
Недвижимость и Девелопмент
2 года 8 месяцев
09.2014 - 05.2017
National Key Account Manager
Responsibility - development structure of Commercial Department,organization of Key Account Department, staff recruitment, development of KPI's employees and job descriptions for KAMs, matrix interaction between the departments of the enterprise and network building supermarkets, organization of negotiations with networks
National Key Account Manager
2 месяца
06.2014 - 08.2014
National Sales Manager and National Key Account Manager
Responsibility - sales channel Mass Modern Market: a networks of food supermarkets - "ATB", "Silpo", "Metro", "Auchan", "Velyka Kyshenya" e.t.c. and the cosmetic networks - Cosmo, Watsons, Epicenter, Leroy Merlin, Pro Stor
People Management:
- Five managers (KAMs) to work with key customers
- Establish individual goals in line with the objectives of the company and sales policy
- Implement a system of evaluation of the results
- Organized weekly meetings with KAMs in the "face-to-face" format to evaluate the performance of managers, to develop action plans and development of technical skills and personal qualities of the team members.
- Analyzing work of the team a KAM in general and their individual results
- Develop an effective system of overdue receivables networks
Forecasting sales:
- Carry out a correct distribution networks between KAMs according to sales volumes of each network
- Take part in the prediction of production and logistics in the warehouse of the enterprise
- Implemented quarterly sales plans and marketing plans for key customers in the networks
- Helping to develop and implement an optimal combination of products in the stores network key customers (product mix)
- Develop an effective framework of KAM
- Developed commercial T&C for signing contracts with the networks (food and cosmetics) 2015
National Key Account Manager
PepsiCo Ukraine
1 год 8 месяцев
10.2012 - 06.2014
National Key Account Manager
Responsibilities: international and national retail networks - all portfolio of brands (CSD, JUCES, SNACKS, MILK PRODUCTS)
People management:
- coordinated and coached the local team of Key Account Managers and Local field Sales Team, ensure on accurate and close follow-up of their individual targets and objectives
- set up individual targets in line with the Company objectives and sales policy
- organized individual weekly, monthly and quarterly evaluation meetings in order to develop technical and personal skills of the team members
- analyzed team performances and individual results, indentify markets and customer needs and determine a challenging strategy for the Key Account sales teem together with clear action plans
- motivated and challenged the team of Key Account sales team and Field Sales Team to achieve their targets
Budgeting planning and reporting:
- Monitored customer budgets as Year End Rebate of all Key Accounts and coordinated the overall
Reporting to GM
- Developed and implements budgeting networks
- Prepared and conducted negotiations with Customers
- Prepared mid-year review with KA
- New Agreements (sales and marketing) - signed!
- Absence of Bad Debts with Networks. Results: Bad Debts in the Networks not more 10% vs. current Debts
- Provided a forecast per customer, attended forecast meetings, enter forecast for promotions
- Prepared and implemented a new sales strategy in the Key Networks (all portfolio of the brands Sandora, Pepsi, Slovyanochka, Chudo, Sadochok, Lays)
- coordinated and implemented quarterly plans of marketing activities in the networks of key customers
- Conducted analysis conducted activities
- Developed and implemented the optimal product mix in stores networks of key customers
- Implemented of The Revenue Gross Management in the key networks
- Realized project of the Category management
- Conducted analysis of P&L Networks
National Key Account Manager
WImm-Bill-Dann Ukraine
3 года 10 месяцев
12.2008 - 10.2012
National Key Account Manager. Responsibilities: International and national retail networks - milk products
- Developed marketing strategy of work with international KA
- Developed and implemented the structure of the Key Account Department
- Budgeting networks
- Developed and inculcated private label for METRO (ARO milk)
- Developed and inculcated innovative principles of work with international networks
- Developed and inculcated the new system of sales, control of account receivable of Key Clients, that gave the increase of efficiency of work of the Sales department on 75%
- To introduce of electronic document management Customer and Company (EDI)
- Developed and inculcated Commercial T&C model for work with the networks of KA, which put basis of the correct forming of budget of all networks of next year. RESULTS: concluded mutually beneficial Contracts 2010 - 2014 with networks for which carried responsibility
- Developed and inculcated the new standards of merchandizing, rules of letup of products in the shops of networks KA
Burn Sales Director
FV Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Limited
Промышленность и Производство
3 месяца
10.2008 - 01.2009
Development and introduction of new model of structure of branch of sales BURN
- Preparated and calculated and set the plans of sales of energy drink BURN for-branch on the basis of analysis of sales of past years and prognoses of sales of next year
- Concluded contracts with the networks of KA
- Budgeting networks. Engaged in preparation and direct calculation of budget of development of networks of next year
- Initiated discoloration of power drink «Burn» (it is inculcated in Russia), prepared the process of going into the Ukrainian market
National IC Key Account Manager
FV Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraina Limited
Промышленность и Производство
1 год 9 месяцев
01.2007 - 10.2008
Jointly with key clients developed business plans for achievement of business goals of all brief-case of company brands («Coca-Cola», «Fanta», «Sprite», «Bonaqua», «Burn», «Rich», «Schweppes», «Nestea», «Illy»)
- Commercial knowledge. Accepted commercial decisions, based on understanding and interpretation of financial information in accordance with principles of management growth of profit yield
- Managed effectively, administered and developed key clients in accordance with practices and procedures of Company
- Budgeting networks. Engaged in preparation and direct calculation of budget of development of networks of next year.
- Correlated advantageous suggestions of Company with the necessities of clients (internal / external)
- Effective negotiations. Arrived at the mutually beneficial acceding to the clients taking into account market tendencies and interests of client and Company
- Activating of sale points. Supported competitive advantage of products of Company by means of leadthrough of activating of sale points
- Initiated and controlled introduction of changes of raw material for making of tomato juice of «Rich»
- Have organized work of team from the 2 basic managers of department on work with key customers and 22 directors of branches on Ukraine of FV «Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Limited»
- Have conducted trainings and teaching measures on the own programs
- Result: + 65% increases of sales of all brief-case of brands of FV «Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Limited» as compared to 2007
Burn Sales Manager
FV «Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Limited»
Промышленность и Производство
2 года 9 месяцев
04.2004 - 01.2007
- Have initiated and inculcated the change of power drink «Burn» formula (+ 25% more energy)
- Result: + 132% increases of sales of TM "BURN" as compared to 2006
- Planning of sales BURN by branches, sales team,
- Contracts conclusions
Key Account Manager
FV Coca-Cola Beverages Limited
Промышленность и Производство
2 года 2 месяца
02.2002 - 04.2004
- Developed an Agreements
- Develop of sales strategic in HoReCa
- Develop marketing strategy of HoReCa buissenes
Учился в 2 заведениях
Вищий навчальний заклад "Відкритий міжнародний університет розвитку людини "Україна"
Biology and Biochemical
Київ, 2024
Kyiv State Maritime Academy, faculty of law, theory and history of the state and right
Ukraine, Kyiv, 2012
Владеет языками
Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты
"Принципи харчової безпеки: вимоги системи НАССР та стандартів GFSI"
Negotiations skills
- Negotiations Skills (Switzerland) SCOTWORK-
Connections with Customers
Key account Management Training & Development Program
Marketing strategy
New marketing strategy TCCC in IC channel
Time management training
Time management training
RGM simulations training
RGM simulations training
Дополнительная информация
Компьютерные навыки
Водительское удостоверение
Driving licences of «B» category - continuous experience with 1996
Личные качества
- - Enthusiasm, purposefulness, aimed at a result, brightly expressed leader qualities, ability to work in a team, put tasks, explain, excellent of communication and presentation skills, even temper
Volodymyr Ivanovich
Volodymyr Ivanovich
Sales Director/ Business Development Manager/Head of KAM

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