Работал в 2 компаниях 2 года 2 месяца
Интернет, IT
Front-end Developer
11 месяцев
04.2024 - по настоящее время
During the projects, I created HTML markup and styles using CSS (SCSS) based on the design in Figma. I also implemented animations using JavaScript and SCSS, and validated forms using JavaScript. My work included testing, finding and fixing bugs. I collaborated with the team via GitHub and regularly engaged with the client to clarify project details. Also check out my latest projects, which describe the technologies used, as well as other tools I've worked with. Each project has a link to a GitHub repository where you can view the code and structure of the projects.
Website - “PAVLOPOPOV”
Link- https://popov-portfolio.netlify.app/
Front-end Developer
Another IT
1 год 2 месяца
02.2023 - 04.2024
In this position, I created interfaces for websites, focusing on creating functionality that improves user experience and increases website conversion. I used various tools and technologies required for each project, such as React.js, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind CSS, SCSS, Next.js, Node.js, TypeScript, and Figma for design. Also actively collaborated with clients to better understand their needs and business requirements.
Ключевая информация
- Analytical thinking;
- Handling large volumes of information;
- Problem solving;
- Ready to work in CRM systems;
- Proficiency with digital tools;
- Flexibility to learn new knowledge;
- Customer-oriented approach;
- Multitasking;
— HTML5:
BEM methodology;
Semantic markup using semantic tags;
— CSS:
Preprocessors: SASS/SCSS;
Tailwind CSS;
CSS-in-JS: Styled Components;
CSS Modules;
— JavaScript:
Asynchronous operations: Promises, async/await;
TypeScript: Types, Interfaces, Generics, Utility Types;
— React.js:
State management: Redux (Redux Toolkit);
Context API;
React Hooks (including Custom Hooks);
Perfomace: memo, Server-Side Rendering (SSR);
— MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js;
— Development Tools:Git (version control);Webpack, Vite;
— Backend:REST APIs;Authentication: JWT;WebSocket(socket.io)
— Design:Figma (designing and prototyping layouts for web applications)
Учился в 1 заведении
Lubelska Akademia WSEI
Bachelor's degree, Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management
Lublin, 2024
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