Работала в 5 компаниях   9 лет 1 месяц

Автомобильная промышленность и Автобизнес, Торговля розничная / Retail, Промышленность и Производство

Project manager for the skoda project , man project engineer

Kromberg schubert ukraine zy , llc

Автомобильная промышленность и Автобизнес

6 месяцев

01.2023 - 07.2023

To organize the work of a team of engineers , aimed at improvement of the project and its development , analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the project. - to develop a plan for the preparation and implementation of ideas , to improve the efficiency of the project , as well as for the implement planned technical changes. - together with the team , determine control points for the implementation of the plan and monitor the terms of implementation. - carry out a calculation of quantities and estimate the cost of the necessary resources for the implementation of changes. - give clear and structured feedback to other teams involved in the project implementation process. - direct communication with customers and contractors ( coordination of plans , terms , requirements ) . - lead the team to ambitious goals and be the to teach , support , motivate systematize , accept , classify , keep records of technical information received from customers , etc. - control funds for changes. - enter information on changes to the database for production. - check and correct production work in the event of errors. - optimize wiring. - lay down rules for programs. - develop the customer's drawings , and ensure their relevance. - work with current and planned changes to documentation. - develop and provide products with technical instructions and work instructions - create schemes for placing wires on the line ( layouts ) . - to optimize workplaces. - calculate the duration of the work process and its workload. - measure the time of production processes
  • Дотримання встановлених процедур і стандартів якості
  • Здійснення контролю за якістю виконуваних робіт та процесів
  • Дотримання корпоративної культури та цінностей
  • Встановлення пріоритетів для ефективного виконання завдань
  • Впровадження нововведень для покращення процесів та результативності роботи

Category manager

Avtopartner - service llc

Автомобильная промышленность и Автобизнес

1 год 5 месяцев

04.2021 - 09.2022

Achievements : achieved the highest performance of the department at 97 and maintained the same level. attracted new suppliers cooperated with current customers. became more effective , found new opportunities. improved contractual working conditions. i also developed software for developers to create new reports and automate document flow. responsibilities : 1. compilation of the assortment matrix and formulation of the strategy for each type of product. 2. finding suppliers , concluding contracts with them , and monitoring obligations. 3. formation of orders based on sales reports. 4. control over the timely arrival of goods. 5. providing retail outlets with a full assortment. 6. determination of minimum and maximum balances. 7. control of warehouse stocks and reduction of oos indicators. 8. search and registration of analogs for the main products. 9. formation and analysis of reports on abc and kvi products. 10. acquaintance with the results of audits and making proposals for eliminating surpluses , shortages and re - sorting. 11. formation and agreement of the markup amount and approval of retail price changes. 12. participation in the planning of turnover and profit indicators. 13. demand analysis. 14. study of competitors' activities. 15. sales analysis. 16. submission of reports on time and in the required form. 17. execution of management orders. 18. assistance in the automation of work and reporting at the enterprise
  • Управління відносинами з постачальниками та укладення угод
  • Планування та впровадження маркетингових кампаній для продуктів категорії
  • Моніторинг та аналіз продажів товарів категорії
  • Взаємодія з внутрішніми відділами для досягнення цілей категорії
  • Планування та управління запасами товарів категорії
  • Аналіз та вдосконалення процесів в управлінні категорією
  • Підтримка внутрішніх комунікацій та співпраця між відділами

Head of the supply department

Llc shapran s. m.

Торговля розничная / Retail

4 года 10 месяцев

06.2016 - 04.2021

Attracted new suppliers to work , cooperation with current clients became more effective , new opportunities appeared. improved contractual working conditions. offered to generate automatic reports and tables for the analysis of accounts payable , balances , necessary orders and customer analysis. responsibilities : search for suppliers , focusing on the quality of the material and technical resources offered , price , terms of delivery and favorable terms of delivery. development of relations with suppliers , analysis of their production and financial capabilities , the possibility and expediency of establishing direct long - term business relations for the supply of material and technical resources. preparation of contractual documentation. conducting negotiations with suppliers in order to place orders and agree on terms and terms of deliveries. analysis and forecast of market prices for basic materials. maintaining the nomenclature in 1c , correctly filling out the product and supplier card. formation of reports and orders. order support : arrival , payment , reconciliations. control of balances , placement of orders , control , and coordination of prices , terms and terms of payment
  • Аналіз конкурентного середовища для виявлення можливостей для розвитку
  • Впровадження нововведень для покращення процесів та результативності роботи
  • Встановлення пріоритетів для ефективного виконання завдань
  • Управління часом та вміння працювати з високою навантаженням
  • Адаптація до нових умов роботи
  • Постійне навчання та розвиток професійних навичок
  • Планування та організація своєї роботи

Chief analyst of the supply department , procurement manager

Житомирський м’ясокомбінат, ТОВ

Промышленность и Производство

2 года 1 месяц

04.2014 - 05.2016

Attracted new suppliers to work , cooperation with current clients became more effective , new opportunities appeared. improved contractual working conditions. i was also involved in the development of tor for programmers to create new reports and automate document flow. i offered to create automatic reports and tables for the analysis of accounts payable throughout the enterprise , balances , required orders and customer analysis. conducted training of new specialist analysts for the company's branches , helped to automate the processes of creating tables , improving existing ones. i was the right hand of the manager. responsibilities : price monitoring and search for suppliers with better working conditions , analysis of their prices , product quality and production capacity. preparation and signing of contractual documentation. management of contracts of the entire unit , control of the fulfillment of contractual conditions. analysis of inventory balances , work with non - liquid assets , creation of procurement budget tables and payment budgets. placing orders and agreeing on terms and delivery terms. analysis and forecast of market prices for basic materials. maintaining the nomenclature in 1c , correctly filling out the product and supplier card. formation of reports and orders. order support : arrival , payment , reconciliations. analyzed the economic efficiency of the department. compiled all the necessary reports for the department , analyzed them and provided conclusions to the immediate supervisor

Project procurement manager

Skoda transportation ukraine

Автомобильная промышленность и Автобизнес

1 год 2 месяца

08.2023 - 01.1900

  • Managed a tram manufacturing project for the italian market with full control over all project stages , including planning , development , production , and implementation.
  • optimized processes and communication between departments ( procurement , production , technical ) to significantly improve team collaboration and reduce the time needed for key project phases.
  • implemented and monitored timelines to ensure tasks were completed on time.
  • efficient resource management and process optimization led to a 7 reduction in project costs.
  • conducted regular negotiations with team about received info from suppliers and client , coordinated technical requirements and delivery schedules , ensuring compliance with client specifications.
  • utilized scrum and agile methodologies to adapt project management processes and respond quickly to changes in technical requirements.
  • developed and managed risk strategies to ensure project continuity and achieve kpis by reducing costs and increasing production efficiency.
Key achievements :
  • successfully reduced the project budget by 7 through
  • synergy between the procurement and technical departments
  • improved interdepartmental collaboration , enabling the timely completion of all project phases
  • ensured consistent communication with international clients and suppliers ,
  • facilitating the successful fulfillment of project requirements within the specified deadlines
  • Управління часом та вміння працювати з високою навантаженням
  • Здійснення контролю за якістю виконуваних робіт та процесів
  • Впровадження нововведень для покращення процесів та результативності роботи
  • Встановлення пріоритетів для ефективного виконання завдань

Ключевая информация

adobe illustrator , trello , scrum , agile , ms excel , тестувальник , управлінські навички , уміння аналізувати , управління проєктами ( виробництво ) , графічний дизайн , контент - маркетинг , інтернет - маркетинг , ms powerpoint , організованість , користувач 1с , користувач бітрікс24 , jira , комунікабельність

Владеет языками







Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

it security


ksps lean bronze level


syndicate 2.0 digital and profession seo specialist 4.0


sales. negotiations


category management


project manager


qa manual

in process


Project - менеджер


33 года

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа

Обновлено 2 часа назад