Ключевая информация

Full-stack developer with knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, TypeScript, and Node.js. I continuously enhance my qualifications, improve my skills, and strive to learn new things. My goal is to accumulate experience and refine both my software and communication skills. I have excellent time management skills and the ability to always meet deadlines. I am a team player and a friendly person with a good sense of humor. I remain calm in complex and stressful situations because I am confident in myself and know that my technical and communication skills will help in problem-solving.

Училась в 2 заведениях

Національний університет "Одеська юридична академія"

293 Міжнародне право

Одеса, 2027

GoIT - Start your career in IT

Fullstack Developer

Київ, 2024

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Дополнительная информация

Комп'ютерні навички

In the contact information, there is a link to my GitHub profile. I want to provide access to my projects.

1. GitHub repository link: https://github.com/Anastasia-Filipenko/project-02

Website: https://project-02-seven.vercel.app/welcome

The project's goal was to create a user-friendly application for task management. I was the developer of the 'SideBar' section.

Role: developer; team project.

2. GitHub repository link: https://github.com/xVenomUA/project-js-dreamteam

Website: https://xvenomua.github.io/project-js-dreamteam/

A website that makes your life easier. You can choose products from virtually any category. There is also an option to subscribe to site updates. I developed the "Popular Products" and "Discount Products" sections, and I also participated in developing pagination and adding items to the shopping cart.

Role: developer; team project.

3. GitHub repository link: https://github.com/vovkatom/AllAboutCode.

Website: https://vovkatom.github.io/AllAboutCode/

A website for a furniture manufacturing and sales company. With this website, you can choose furniture from anywhere in the world. The site features a user-friendly interface and responsive design. I used HTML, CSS, and JS. I was the developer of the "Price" and "Bestsellers" sections.

Role: developer; team project.

4. GitHub repository link: https://github.com/ktdrzd/goit-markup-hw-06.

Website: https://ktdrzd.github.io/goit-markup-hw-06/

The website of WebStudio will be a great assistant for those who want to get to know the WebStudio team more closely and learn about their main tasks and services. When creating the website, I used HTML, CSS, and JS (for creating the modal window).

Role: developer; individual project.

Дрозд Сергіївна

Full Stack Developer удаленно


19 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа, гибридная

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