Работала в 2 компаниях   1 год 7 месяцев

IT, Промышленность и Производство

Flutter Developer

Pet project


9 месяцев

08.2023 - 05.2024

Work in a team of three people.

Project description: Development of the diet application for the users who follow a keto diet and want to get a wide range of dishes that correspond to this style of diet. This application contains a wide range of dishes and last news about healthy lifestyle.

Responsibilities: development, testing, bug fixing.

Implemented features:

  • Implemented posts/news feed page: listing page, search, post details page.
  • Implemented dishes page: listing page, search, post details page.
  • Implemented user settings page: display basic user information getting from the server side.
  • Implemented sign in and sign up pages.

Standardization engineer

PrJSC "Enzym Company"

Промышленность и Производство

8 месяцев

11.2022 - 07.2023

Description: It is a biotechnology company that develops and manufactures products based on yeast cells.


  • Assist management in obtaining, maintaining certifications and conducting audits according to FSSC 22000, GMP+, Kosher, Halal and product conformity certificates.
  • Development, implementation and support of documentation.
  • Periodic control of products for compliance with standards, documentation.
  • Preparation of reports.
  • Communication with certification bodies and laboratories.

Ключевая информация

Tools and Technologies:

• Technical Documents

• Software Requirements Specification

• Test design techniques

• TestRail

• Confluence

• Jira

• Azure DevOps



• Fiddler Classic

• Fiddler Everywhere


• Postman

• Apache JMeter



• Chrome DevTools

• XPath

• Selenium IDE

• Git

• GitHub

• SourceTree

• KDiff3

• Flutter/Dart

• Figma

• Visual Studio Code

• Android Studio


• Agile

• Scrum

• Kanban

• Waterfall

Училась в 1 заведении

Lviv Polytechnic National University

Metrology and information-measuring technology

Lviv, 2021

Владеет языками



Certificate Green Forest



Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Course "Software Testing" (QA Manual)


Popeliuha (YouTube)

Course "Learning Flutter"


Certificate Udemy

Course "Principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)"


Certificate LLC "Econtrol"

Training on the international educational Project Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module QMSEEI "European Experience in Implementing Quality Management Systems for Products and Services"


Certificate Lviv Polytechnic National University

Course "Software Testing" (QA Manual)


Certificate SkillUP

Дополнительная информация

Особисті якості

I am a purposeful and motivated QA Engineer, always ready to learn new and improve my skills. I have experience in product quality assurance and effective teamwork. Organized, attentive to details, responsible, persistent, stress-resistant and benevolent.

I am eager to contribute to the achievement of the common goals of the team and the company and grow with them. I am open to new knowledge and challenges that will help me become a valuable member of your team. I am looking for a company and a team that will give me the opportunity to prove myself as a qualified specialist and achieve career growth.


Junior QA Engineer


Готов переехать: Варшава, Польша

25 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: удаленная работа, гибридная, в офисе/на месте

Обновлено 9 часов назад