Работал в 2 компаниях   4 года 4 месяца


Middle PHP developer



1 год 11 месяцев

07.2022 - 06.2024

I'm Software Engineer. 4 years old in Software Engineering. For the past 3 years, I have been working as a Laravel back-end developer. During this time, I have completed three e-commerce projects from scratch, while an additional four e-commerce projects involved customization and extending the functionality of purchased templates to meet client requirements.

I worked in a team with other developers as well as independently with only the Team Lead and PM.

About myself: I am proactive, always seeking optimal solutions for implementation, continuously learning, easily adapting to requirements and recommendations, open to criticism, and respectful towards guidance.


The project was a job board combined with a shop, built on a modular Laravel template. My responsibility was extending and adapting the functionality to meet the client's needs, which included integrating a shop, adding Stripe subscriptions, and implementing a chat feature. The backend was entirely restructured into a RESTful API to accommodate Alpine.js + Vue 3.

Technologies: Laravel 8, Alpine.js, MySQL, Stripe, Laravel Livewire 2, Docker, Bitbacket

Mental Healthcare Careers

The project was a job board, built on a modular Laravel template. My responsibility was extending and adapting the functionality to meet the client's needs, which included adding subscriptions and expanding functionality related to them, customizing user permissions based on subscription type, and developing new features specifically for subscriptions.

Technologies: Laravel 8, MySQL, Stripe, Laravel Livewire 2, Docker, Bitbacket

Goaine or Copyright Protection

ProjectI contributed to involved managing documents and files for copyright systems, facilitating their search within the systems. In one project, I developed the back-end entirely from scratch, using only front-end templates.Technologies: Laravel 10, MySQL, Stripe, Laravel Livewire 2, Docker, Bitbacket

Recent project

The most recent project involved developing a wizard for purchasing packaging system configurations. The back end was built from scratch, while Material Design was utilized for the front-end. The functionality included extensive mathematical calculations to select specific configurations based on buyer-input parameters, as well as working with 3D models for order visualization. Additionally, the integration of final data into HubSpot was implemented.

Technologies: Laravel 10, MySQL, Laravel Livewire 3, babylonjs, HubSpot API, Docker, Bitbacket,

Furthermore, I was brought onto four projects to handle temporary tasks, where I integrated remote services, incorporated various libraries, and implemented new functionalities based on client requirements.

Junior PHP Developer



2 года 4 месяца

03.2020 - 07.2022

CrowdCare CRM

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, JS, Docker, Xdebug, DevOps

Responsibilities:- Implement new valuable for end users features- Migrate the application from pure PHP to Laravel- The full project was migrated from pure PHP to Laravel.

PSP Plugins

Technologies: PHP, eCommerce Platforms, mySQL, Docker, Xdebug

Responsibilities:? Implement new valuable for Merchants and Consumers features

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Может проходить собеседование на этом языке


Middle PHP developer


Шевченковский район

2 000 $

31 год

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа, гибридная, в офисе/на месте

Обновлено 1 день назад