Работал в 6 компаниях   6 лет 11 месяцев

IT, Другое

UI/UX Designer



2 года 3 месяца

04.2022 - по настоящее время

• Managed the design process for four products with AI,interactive detailed prototyping, highly-detailed mockups,wireframing and using design strategy, risk management,remote usability testing, and competitive research.

• Delivered exceptional user experiences.

• Designed marketing materials for the Pieoneers Software.

Middle UI/UX Designer (Part-time)



4 месяца

12.2021 - 04.2022

• Designed a web / mobile app for finding jobs oremployees for companies, providing quick and simplesolutions that do not require a CV or applications.

• Collaborated with dev team and product owners to deliversolutions.

• Mentored a designer, promoting one trainee to juniorlevel.

UI/UX Product Designer



6 месяцев

06.2021 - 12.2021

At SvitSoft, I worked as a UI/UX designer on two majorprojects.
Project 1: Developing a website for a subsidiary ofSvitSoftware from scratch. Conducting analytics andresearch. Prototyping. Creation of an adaptive version,work on mobile design. Working with the company's CEO,project managers, marketing specialists, and thedevelopment department.
Project 2 (outsourcing): the development of a crossplatform mobile application. System design development.Conducting interviews with users, presentation of theproject at each stage. Working with project managers andthe development department.

Product Designer



2 года 1 месяц

05.2019 - 06.2021

At Factor.media, I worked as a UI designer on the main largeproject - this is an educational resource for accountants"Factor Academy".The main responsibilities included:
• Design work on the main website of the Factor Academy
• Development of a landing page constructor to create aweb page for courses from scratch
• Creation of accountant profiles and a basket of paymentfor courses
• Design of a landing page for courses and seminars, as wellas preparation of compositions and photo processing
• Design emails, online social media banners, and offlineproducts.Working with the company's CEO, project managers,marketing specialists, and the development department.

Web Designer

French boulevard | Fransilvaniya


1 год 2 месяца

03.2018 - 05.2019

I worked as a web designer on two projects.
Project 1: designing support for the site of the shoppingcenter "French Boulevard". Creation of additional pages,making changes to the finished design.
Project 2: Refinement of the CRM system for theFransilvaniya company. Also, my duties includedmaintaining the main website, creating landing pages, webbanners, emails, prepress, offline production.

Freelance Web Designer



6 месяцев

09.2017 - 03.2018

I worked as a freelance designer. My customers weremainly from Ukraine and EuropeMy work included: creating web pages, prototypes, landingpages, online and offline banners, emails design, logos,consultation design.Direct communication with the customer

Ключевая информация

I’m a Product UX/UI designer with a passion for creating inspiring and influential designs. I have 5+ years of experience working as a UX/UI and Product Designer. My experience includes all design stages in creating digital products from initial research to Information Architecture and other UX aspects to finalized designs that are ready for development. A goal is to not only create beautiful and usable interfaces but also come up with solutions that solve real people's problems. I work quickly and efficiently. I am professionally dedicated and motivated to new levels and better projects.

Учился в 2 заведениях

Харківський національний університет внутрішніх справ

Правоохоронна діяльність

Харків, 2020

Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди


Харків, 2017

Владеет языками



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Google UX Design

Google | Coursera, 2024

After Effects - Motion Graphics & Visualization

Daniel Walter Scott | Udemy, 2024

UI & Web Design

Daniel Walter Scott | Udemy, 2023

UX Research training course

UX strategy and Audit for Factor Media, 2021

HTML Fundamentals

SoloLearn, 2017


UI/UX Designer


2 000 $

28 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: удаленная работа, гибридная, в офисе/на месте

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