Работала в 3 компаниях   13 лет 4 месяца

Государственный сектор, Медицина и Здравоохранение

Chief specialist of the reporting and accounting department

Department of the state treasury service of ukraine

Государственный сектор

5 лет 6 месяцев

04.2019 - по настоящее время

Formation of cases on legal registration of accounts of administrators ( recipients ) of state and local budgets and other clients of the department open and close accounts for the current budget period for managers ( recipients ) of state and local budget funds and other clients of the department , as well as open accounts for the next budget period , prepare memos on opening/closing budget accounts for revenues to the state and local budgets in accordance with the list of institutions assigned to the chief specialist approved by the order of the office , the chief specialist sets schedules for submitting budget and financial reports to budget managers and recipients , and performs , receives and reviews monthly , quarterly and annual financial and budget reports from budget managers and recipients preparation and submission of consolidated monthly , quarterly and annual reports on the execution of the state and local budgets to the main department of the state treasury service of ukraine in luhansk oblast within the established timeframe applying or implementing enforcement measures for violations of budget legislation printing , arithmetic control over the number of documents and the amount of documents used to form the e - kazna accounting documents file and submission for signature to the head of the department - chief accountant or a person performing his/her duties. formation of the e - kazna accounting documents file , binding , numbering and transfer to the archive for storage preparation of documents for opening/closing accounts in the name of the office compilation of registers of budgetary and financial obligations in compliance with budgetary legislation and preparation of payment orders. implementation of the planning and financial work of the office : preparation of contracts/agreements on the financial and economic activities of the office preparation of documents on business transactions , memorial orders , analytical accounting cards publication of information on the e - data web portal , etc participate in the inventory of accounts , assets and liabilities and budget performance preparation of settlement documents for the return of overpaid or erroneously paid funds to the budgets based on the conclusions of the state tax service , decisions of the courts and other authorities. monthly preparation of reconciliation reports with the tax inspectorate on the implementation of the state and local budgets on revenues performing control tasks and other functional duties in accordance with the tasks assigned to the department

Chief specialist of the budget department

Department of finance of the starobilsk district state administration of luhansk oblast

Государственный сектор

2 года 3 месяца

01.2017 - 04.2019

Drafting an order on the allocation of funds from the general and special funds of the rayon budget according to the assigned codes of the tcvkbms on the basis of calculations , reporting data on budget execution , estimated indicators of the ministry of finance and other materials necessary for drafting the rayon budget and rayon budget , drafts the rayon budget and rayon budget according to the assigned codes of the code of categories of the state budget code organisation of control and economic work in the finance department , verification of compliance with the requirements for budgeting budgetary institutions financed from the rayon budget within the scope of its competence , reviewing the decisions of city and village councils to approve the indicators of city ( district ) and village budgets for compliance with the requirements of budget legislation analysing budget requests at any stage of drafting and reviewing the rayon budget summary of indicators of budgets included in the rayon budget drawing up the schedule of expenditures of the rayon budget , ensuring its implementation , preparing proposals for amendments to the schedule within the annual budget allocations providing an extract from the rayon budget schedule to the main spending units of the rayon budget making changes to the schedule in the local budgets ais programme organising the work and accepting quarterly and annual reports of municipal and village budgets and key spending units of the rayon budget preparing materials on the status of rayon budget execution for each reporting period for submission to the rayon council preparing draft responses to requests from central executive authorities , district state administrations , local self - government bodies , as well as enterprises , institutions , organisations and citizens on issues within its competence. processing documents received by the budget department of the finance department. timely and high - quality collection , processing , analysis , and use of information ( summaries , reports , corrections , and oral information

Labour economist , financial economist

Municipal institution district territorial medical association

Медицина и Здравоохранение

5 лет 4 месяца

09.2011 - 01.2017

Work to improve labour organisation , forms and systems of remuneration , material and moral incentives. - prepare staffing tables and payroll lists in accordance with the approved structure of the institution , salary schemes , payroll funds and applicable regulations , and make changes to them due to the emergence of new activities ( positions ) - control over compliance with staff discipline , expenditure of the payroll fund , correctness of titles of professions and positions , application of tariff rates and prices , official salaries , additional payments , allowances and coefficients to wages , work classification and establishment of categories of workers and specialists in accordance with tariff and qualification guides , as well as compliance with work and rest regimes and labour legislation - keeping records of labour and salary indicators , analysing them and preparing the required reports - participation in the formation of the need ( budget request ) for the general and special funds of the budget in accordance with the established forms. - substantiate expenditure figures by making detailed calculations by economic classification codes. - overseeing compliance with targets - control , rational and economical use of material , financial and labour resources. - comprehensive analysis of the economic performance of the healthcare facility , preparation of relevant proposals in case of deficiencies and timely introduction of changes to the plan agreed with the management. - organisation of work and control of calculations and estimates to determine the paid services provided by the healthcare facility , as well as timely conclusion of contracts and fulfilment of contractual obligations , and leasing of premises. - participate in the formation of the staffing table , determining the names of professions ( positions ) in accordance with the approved structure , headcount standards and the number of employees approved by the general fund. calculate the payroll fund as a whole , as well as taking into account the general and special funds , and monitor the proper application of the existing remuneration systems

Ключевая информация

knowledge of specialised ais programmes local budgets , parus confident user : ms office ( word , excel , power point , access , outlook ) knowledge of legislation : budget code of ukraine , constitution of ukraine law of ukraine on civil service law of ukraine on prevention of corruption ability to work with information and focus on and achieve end results

Училась в 3 заведениях

Volodymyr dahl east ukrainian national university

Enterprise economics


Volodymyr dahl east ukrainian national university

Enterprise economics


Rubizhne porai - koshytsia polytechnic college of luhansk taras shevchenko national university

Business economics


Владеет языками




выше среднего



Дополнительная информация

Особисті якості

Purposefulness , sociability , responsibility , conscientiousness , discipline , optimism , ability to adapt and learn quickly , creativity , analytical mindset , ability to systematise and structure information , a strong desire to develop professionally , ability to work in a team , desire to learn new things , receive various information and use it skilfully

Особисті якості

Ability to work in a team additional information


Finance assistant


34 года

полная занятость

Обновлено 3 месяца назад