Работал в 1 компании   1 год 2 месяца

Автомобильная промышленность и Автобизнес

Front-end Developer


Автомобильная промышленность и Автобизнес

1 год 1 месяц

01.2023 - 02.2024

Work with existing code base, creating function components using full React ecosystem, strong types covering, unit tests. My main task has been implementing new features agreed upon in the sprint, as well as tasks from Jira.?
The business is very closely connected with the customer, so we also work very closely with various departments in developing and improving the product.
Business itself quickly changing, and dependeds on auction codebase and API, so for us was common thing to hotfix something, as they may did not let us know that something has changed.

Ключевая информация

HTML CSS SASS Tailwind JavaScript JS TypeScript TS React Redux RTK RTK Query Axios React Hook Form Express Jest Vite Webpack GIT SCRUM Express MongoDB Mongoose Node NPM React Router DOM and more

Учился в 1 заведении

Государственный университет "Житомирская политехника"

Факультет комп'ютерно-інтегрованих технологій, мехатроніки і робототехніки

Житомир, 2021

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Front-end Developer


24 года

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полная занятость

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