Работала в 1 компании   8 месяцев


Full Stack Developer



7 месяцев

12.2023 - по настоящее время


  • Conducting unit testing and debugging to ensure the reliabilityand functionality of JavaScript code is a crucial aspect of mywork.
  • Implemented user-friendly, responsive web pages based onFigma layout using HTML, SCSS, React, and Typescript.
  • Conducted code reviews (140+ tasks).
  • Developed React applications utilizing a range of techniquesincluding JSX, hooks, and both class-based and functionalcomponents.
  • Developed server-side logic and implemented RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express.
  • Designed and managed relational databases with PostgreSQL, ensuring data integrity and efficient query performance.
  • Implemented data validation and error handling to enhance application reliability.

Ключевая информация

  • Typescript, JavaScript (ES2015- 2019)
  • React, Redux
  • Node.js
  • HTML5, CSS3, Sass (SCSS),BEM, Bootstrap, Bulma
  • Fetch, REST API, Web sockets,SQL
  • Figma
  • Git/Github, VS Code, WebStorm, Chrome DeveloperTools (incl. React), NPM, Webpack
  • Trello
  • Basic OOP understanding

Училась в 1 заведении

Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка

Природничий факультет/Хімія

Житомир, 2014

Владеет языками




Full Stack Developer


32 года

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа, в офисе/на месте

Обновлено 3 недели назад