Работал в 2 компаниях   1 год 5 месяцев

IT, Образование

Java Developer

Mazda Austria Gmbh (Austria)


1 год

09.2023 - по настоящее время

(Вiдгук роботодавця, з деталями роботи, закрiплено нижче)

• Розробка програмного забезпечення на мові Java

• Участь у всьому циклі розробки програмного продукту

• Написання чистого та оптимізованого коду

• Робота з різними фреймворками

• Виконання модульного та інтеграційного тестування

• Вирішення технічних проблем та усунення дефектів

• Співпраця з командою розробників і тестувальників

• Оновлення та підтримка існуючих програмних рішень

• Моніторинг трендів та новітніх технологій у розробці на Java

• Профілювання проекту.
Technology: Java EE, JSF, Spring Security, Shiro, JS, CSS, HTML,SQL, Hibernate, JUnit, REST API, SVN, GIT, Maven, Kanban.

Trainee java developer



3 месяца

06.2022 - 09.2022

Name of the Receiving Organisation: Universitaet Klagenfurt
Sector of the Receiving Organisation: Department of Informatics Didactics
Address of the Receiving Organisation: Lakeside 1 B01a, 9020 Klagenfurt, website: https://www.digifit4all.at
Traineeship title:DigiFit@IID – Member of the Development Team
Detailed programme of the traineeship period including tasks carried out by the trainee:

Under the umbrella of the DigiFit@IID project, the Institute for Informatics Didactics (IID) develops and runs several sub-projects to strengthen and teach computer science and digital skills.

These include DigiFit4All, a project offering personalized open online courses, AMEISE, a project for learning informatics management skills, or GECKO, a tool for measuring acquired (digital) competencies and interests. The department has a strong software engineering background and runs all projects (even student projects) according to industry standards and follows agile development processes. The program included the following steps: (1) An orientation phase of two weeks during which the workplace is set up appropriately and the necessary tools are familiarized (2) the implementation of several user stories under the guidance of an experienced developer, and(3) the participation in all daily meetings as well as in the reflection/presentation sessions. During the employment as a volunteer, the trainee was part of three sprints (one whole and two partial) and experienced the entire SW development cycle, programming techniques, as well as quality assurance steps at industry level.

Knowledge, skills (intellectual and practical) and competences acquired (achieved Learning Outcomes):The trainee is now able to apply the following state of the art technologies in software engineering: he is able to use source code management tools (Git with GitLab) and to develop software according to SCRUM.He is able to design and extend backend applications. He understands how service oriented architectures (Spring Framework/Spring Cloud) work. Mark is able to extend service oriented architectures. Mark knows how to elicit and classify requirements, knows how container virtualization (Docker) works. In addition to these “hard-skills”, the trainee also improved social and teamwork skills, improved his English language skills, took part in social events at the Institute and thus gained insight in Austrian Culture.

Ключевая информация

• Java: 8, 17


• Spring: CORE, MVC, Security, Boot

• JPA, Hibernate, SQL, Oracle DB


• Rest API, HTTP

• Scrum, Agile, Jira


Учился в 2 заведениях

Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна

Компьютерна iнженерiя

Харків, 2023

Alpen Adria Universitat

Computer science

Klagenfurt (Austria), 2023

Владеет языками



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Может проходить собеседование на этом языке





Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Дополнительная информация

Вiдгуки керiвництва

Mazda Austria GmbH
Recommendation Letter
My name is Mario Bruckschwaiger, and I am a Software Architect at Mazda Austria GmbH. During 11.09.2023 – 31.09.2024 I had an opportunity to work closely with Marko Korovin who was interning at our company in the position of Java Developer. In this letter I would like to express my assessment of his professional and personal qualities.

Technical Skills:

Marko has demonstrated a good ability to quickly learn new technologies and frameworks.

During the internship, he has been successfully learning and practicing:

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB): Marko optimized application performance and created functional modules using EJB. For example, during profiling procedures, he created and customized bins to handle caching of security permissions, which reduced requests processing time by half.

Java Persistence API (JPA): During the process of upgrading the mail module and redesigning the email sending system, Marko utilized existing repositories as well as designed new repositories for database access.

Java Server Faces (JSF): Marko created interactive user interfaces using JSF. His work on various modules enhanced the user experience and visual component of the software considerably.

Marko has successfully utilized the following set of technologies and tools to accomplish the mentioned and other numerous tasks: Java 8/17, Jakarta EE, CDI, SQL, Git, Maven, JUnit, Profiler, SOLID, PrimeFaces, CSS, HTML, Jira.

Marko performed tasks at the level of a full-qualified developer, actively working on real projects and solving complex technical problems. He received support from several experienced developers who acted as mentors, and quickly fit into the team. Marko applied what he learned effectively, demonstrating autonomy in completing tasks. His ability to learn from more experienced colleagues while making meaningful contributions to projects was highly valuable.

Self-improvement: Marko showed a remarkable commitment to self-improvement. He actively searched for new knowledge and ways to improve his skills, regularly learning new materials and technologies. This commitment to continuous learning and development allowed him to quickly become a valued member of the team. The willingness to learn and adapt to new challenges was always at a high level.

Conclusion:I am confident that Marko will be a valuable employee in the software development field. His dedication to learning, professional skills and personal qualities make him an excellent candidate for positions related to Java development and enterprise application development.

AAU Klagenfurt

Evaluation of the trainee:

The development team at the department for Informatics Didactics was pleased to have found in Korovin an employee who was willing to learn.

Mr. Korovin integrated well into the team, completed all tasks to the project team's satisfaction, and contributed his ideas. In the beginning, the flat organizational structure of the institute caused him some difficulties. Still, he quickly learned to communicate with everyone at eye level and to bring his personality into the group.

In summary, as head of the department, I can assure you that Mr. Korovin has solved his tasks very well, and the cooperation was an enrichment for all.

Date: 31.10.2022
Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Andreas Bollin


Java Developer

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2 500 $

23 года

полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: стажировка / практика, удаленная работа, посменная работа, гибридная, в офисе/на месте

Обновлено 1 месяц назад