Ключевая информация

React.js, Typescript, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Vue.js, Vuex, Mobx, ReduxToolkit, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Nest.js, Express.js, Firebase, AWS

Училась в 1 заведении

Львовский торгово-экономический университет

Компютерні науки

Львов, 2024

Владеет языками





Дополнительная информация

Компьютерные навыки

I am passionate about web development and possess a strong desire to learn and grow in this field. With a deep-rooted passion for coding and a hunger for knowledge, I am excited about the opportunity to embark on my journey in web development.

Throughout my self-directed learning journey, I have acquired a solid foundation in both frontend and backend technologies. On the frontend, I am proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Typescript have experience building simple web applications and prototypes. I am eager to expand my knowledge and skills in frontend frameworks like React.js and Vue.js to create more dynamic and interactive user experiences. I used state managers such as ReduxToolkit, Mobx, Vuex.

On the backend, I have been learning languages such as Node.js (Express.js, Nest.js) as well as database management systems like MongoDB and PostgreSQL. While my experience in backend development is limited, I am committed to mastering these technologies and am excited about the prospect of building scalable and efficient server-side solutions.


Full Stack Developer


19 лет

полная занятость

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