Работала в 6 компаниях   10 лет 5 месяцев

Негосударственные организации / NGO, Другое, Государственный сектор, Банки


Charitable foundation "OBRIY"

Негосударственные организации / NGO

2 года 3 месяца

04.2022 - по настоящее время

• Coordinator and volunteer of the "Obriy" Charitable Foundation.

• Coordination of the volunteer project "Give children a happy future" (the activities of which are aimed at ensuring the future of children, especially orphans, with all opportunities for full-fledged development, education, formation and unlocking of potential).

• Coordination of the project "Path of the Nation: a game about cultural identity"

• Initiation of charity projects, management of social projects, search for partners, negotiations, effective communication with partners, work with partners on the implementation of projects, preparation and conducting of presentations.

Head of Programmes

Brave1 Defence Technology Cluster


8 месяцев

09.2023 - 05.2024

- Cooperation and communication with developers and start-ups.
- Development and implementation of strategies for attracting investors to finance defense tech developments
- Development, support, and implementation of the grant program, from compliance to monitoring.
- Coordination of developing and supporting a specialized online portal for submitting innovative projects.
- Monitoring the progress of registered projects on the portal, from registration to completion of all necessary assessments.
- Coordinating changes and additions to the program, including updating regulations and policies.
- Ensuring compliance with the deadlines for expert assessments.
- Attracting and expanding the list of experts.
- Developing a network of experts and maintaining communication with them.

Chief Specialist


Государственный сектор

4 года

05.2019 - 05.2023

  • Collecting information based on the State Register of Ukraine and other international governmental institutions a for assets related to corruption activities and other crimes as requested by investigator, detective, prosecutor, court of Ukraine, as well as requested by the relevant authorities of any foreign country;
  • Analyzing data on business, unconfirmed transactions in accounting and financial reporting prepared by made by legal entities and/or individuals;
  • Analyzing data and ultimate beneficiaries’ identification in relation to the property;
  • Analyzing and evaluating finance and economics;International cooperation (CARIN, Interpol, Europol).Worked with confidential and intelligence information, bank secrecy.

Procurement specialist

Danylo Halytskyi Lviv International Airport

Государственный сектор

2 года

12.2016 - 12.2018

  • Consideration of applications and proposals submitted by structural divisions;
  • Organizing of procurements, goods and services procurement;Analyzing and processing of commercial offers;
  • Developing projects for the Commission’s consideration and Tender Committee;
  • Entering information about the purchase in the electronic public procurement system "Prozzoro".

Head of HR Sector

PJSC CB "Nadra


9 месяцев

04.2014 - 01.2015

  • Hiring staff, internships registration, rotation and dismissal under the labour laws;
  • Supporting and accounting of personnel records and communications;
  • Conducted staff training on service standards and conflict management.
  • I was responsible for the Bank's transition to interim administration. I delivered seamless organizational functioning by managing a staff of 500 employees including various operations: recruitments, internships registrations, records keeping and implementations of payroll

Individuals and Legal Entities Service Manager, Regional Training Coach

PJSC CB "Nadra"


2 года 1 месяц

03.2012 - 04.2014

• Selling banking products to retail customers, current, deposit and card accounts opening and servicing for individuals; • Opening and maintaining legal entities accounts; • Conducted staff training on new product selling strategies.

Ключевая информация

  • Project Planning
  • Financial Analysis
  • Risk management
  • Analytical skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Training skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Teamwork
  • Multitasking skills
  • Resource Management
  • Computer literacy: Windows, MacOS, IOS

Училась в 3 заведениях

National University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


Київ, 2022

Lviv University of Business and Law


Львів, 2020

Institute of Banking at the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine


Львів, 2012

Владеет языками


выше среднего

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Practice in the UK, Сertificate of Attendance. The Burlington School of English in London



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Project manager

Київ, 2024

Project manager diploma

How to write a grant application


Writing grant applications System search for new grants, generation of ideas for grant requests. Support of grants.

"Human Rights for Ukraine" - UN Development Program in Ukraine


"State without Barriers" - National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service


State institution of Postgraduate Education "Academy of Financial Monitoring" Certificate on advanced training "Anticorruption, antilegalization activities and ensuring integrity


"Transparency of ultimate beneficial property: Lessons and Prospects"


OSCE Certificate "Strategy for detterring the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing"


EU Action Against Drugs and Organised Crime Training on Anti ? money Laundering/Asset Recovery, international Cooperation and EU Best Practices ?


Сертификат цифровой грамотности от Дія. Цифрова освіта



Head of project


34 года

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: удаленная работа, гибридная, в офисе/на месте

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