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Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури"


Дніпро, 2009

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Дополнительная информация


https://rom51.artstation.com Hi there! My focus is on bringing 3D models and animations to life. I started my journey in 2016 as a 3D artist in the gaming industry. Currently, I'm delving into the exciting world of video production as a VFX 3D artist, using SideFX Houdini in my toolkit. I'm really excited about refining my skills in this software and others that work in video creation. I'm currently seeking opportunities for a junior position in this field Tools and Skills: Create high/low poly models, texturing, baking maps, UV unwrapping, rendering, compositing . 3Ds Max, Zbrush, Photoshop, Substance Painter, UVlayout, and I'm getting the hang of SideFX Houdini. After Effects, Premiere Pro, V-Ray, and Redshift. tel: +38 066 2948832 E-mail: rom4440@gmail.com


3D vfx artist


Готов переехать: Киев, Львов, Другие страны

1 500 грн.

44 года

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