Работал в 1 компании   6 месяцев

Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги

Junior Frontend Developer

Dedey Digital

Реклама / Маркетинг / PR-услуги

5 месяцев

07.2023 - 12.2023

Ключевая информация

React.js, TypeScript(base), ReduxToolKit, ReactRouter, JavaScript, SCSS/CSS, HTML, Rest API, Webpack/Vite(base), Git(base), Vue.js(base)

Владеет языками



Дополнительная информация

Общественная деятельность

At the moment, I am engaged in self-study in the field of development. I am learning English. I develop my projects.

The first project is a simple weather app written in HTML/CSS/JS. I received data using FETCH queries.

The second project is a bedding store. I used HTML/SCSS/JS/SWIPPER. I implemented saving to the cart using LocalStorage and fake order confirmation.

The third project is a sneaker store written in REACT.

I used a free server that stores data and received and sent data using AXIOS.

I routed pages using REACT ROUTER V6. I used Hooks.

The fourth project is a pizza store.

I used React/TypeScript/SCSS/Redux Toolkit/ React Router/ React Skeleton/Axios/React Pagination.

The pizza data is retrieved from the mock server. I implemented filtering by price, name, and popularity. I've added the ability to select categories and pagination. I tried React.lazy.

You can see all my projects on github.

I have basic knowledge of Vue.


Front-end Developer


25 лет

полная занятость

Обновлено 1 месяц назад