Работал в 5 компаниях   9 лет 2 месяца

IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования, Отели / Рестораны / Развлекательные комплексы, IT

Backend Software Engineer


IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования

8 лет

06.2016 - по настоящее время

A company that deals with web development of sites, online stores, corporate portals, CPM systems and development of individual solutions for the client.

  • increasing the speed of creating projects on Laravel and OctoberCMS
  • development of projects of varying degrees of complexity and focus
  • implementation of the possibility of integrating Laravel with OctoberCMS and increasing the speed of project creation, frontend is Laravel Framework and admin panel OctoberCMS
  • working in a team on different projects
  • creation of such projects as: sites (landing pages, multi pages), online stores, corporate portals, CPM systems, big services and platform etc
  • creating plugins, widgets, node and composer packages
  • database administration, Linux systems
  • database design, project architecture design, working with large databases
  • work on speed optimization project work, database speed optimization, optimization of the number of database queries and and other optimizations
  • code review of projects developed by other developers
  • MVC, PSR, OOP, SOLID, DI, RESTful API etc.
  • work with SEO optimization: analytics, microdata, JSON+LD, scripts, events, redirects etc.
  • project version control: Git / SVN (Bitbucket, github/GitLab)
  • organization of a system for deploying and deploying projects: Docker,, CI / CD, GitLab
  • research and solution of technical problems on projects
  • services for managing tasks: Jira, Trello, Asana etc.

Backend Software Engineer


Отели / Рестораны / Развлекательные комплексы

2 года 4 месяца

10.2021 - 02.2024

Founded in 2017 by Simon Baranoff and Nicholas Thorn, Capsule is New York City’s downtown art auction house. Our gallery, located in the heart of the Chelsea Arts District, overlooks the High Line and is within arm’s reach of top collectors, galleries and institutions.

Backend developer

Goodface agency


1 год 7 месяцев

02.2021 - 09.2022

Development of a platform for online courses.

I am an backend developer who has made a significant contribution to the creation of an innovative online course platform at CREO. At the start of the project, I began developing the platform using the Laravel Framework (Laravel Nova).

Throughout the project, my technological stack included PHP, MySQL, Vue.js, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, API, Swagger, and RESTful API, OOP, SOLID. My responsibilities encompassed working with a high-traffic database, optimizing its structure, testing for high loads, administering AWS servers, creating Node.js packages, and ensuring the security and reliability of user data on the platform.

My contribution also involved designing and implementing a modular system architecture, providing flexibility and the ability to integrate additional features such as courses, lessons, and modules. Teamwork was a crucial aspect of my experience, and I was responsible for the backend part of the project, where my work contributed to the successful achievement of common goals.

Backend developer



3 года 5 месяцев

05.2018 - 10.2021

Project descriptionThis project involves creating a modern platform for selling and servicing phones by CryptoDATA. On this website, users have access to a phone catalog with the ability to purchase, order, and pay through various methods: USD, EUR, and cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH.

Key Features:

Phone Catalog: Developing a structured phone catalog with filtering and search capabilities.API Integration: Integrating with external APIs to interact with alternative payment systems and cryptocurrency exchanges.Payment Systems: Implementing mechanisms for purchasing products in different currencies, including USD, EUR, BTC, ETH, and others.Referral Program Functionality: Designing and integrating a referral program feature, allowing users to earn money and use it to buy phones.Discount and Bonus Systems: Incorporating discount and bonus systems to incentivize and retain users.


Laravel Framework: Using Laravel to build a powerful and reliable backend ensuring performance and security.OctoberCMS: Integrating OctoberCMS to provide flexibility and easy content and platform functionality management.PHP and MySQL: Applying PHP and MySQL for database development and management and platform functionality.

My Contribution:

My contribution to this project included the development and integration of key features such as cryptocurrency exchange integration, payment system setup, and implementation of the referral program. My focus was on ensuring security, performance, and user-friendliness. less


Backend developer



1 год 1 месяц

05.2015 - 06.2016

PHP Backend Developer.

Ключевая информация

Основні навики:

  • PHP 7.x, 8.x
  • Laravel Framework 4.x - 10.x
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Docker, Vagrant
  • ElasticSearch
  • API - REST/RESTfull
  • Memcache
  • Redis
  • Database optimization
  • Git (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket)
  • OOP, SOLID, MVC, patterns etc.
  • PSR
  • Yii, Symfony, Codeigniter etc.
  • OctoberCMS, Laravel Nova
  • AWS
  • Vue.js
  • Vuex
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • Ajax, JQuery
  • Twig, Blade
  • Swagger
  • CI/CD
  • MVC
  • Telescope, Debuger
  • SEO optimization (Schema.org, json+ld, page speed etc.)
  • Apache, Nginx
  • Ubuntu and CentOS (Linux), Windows
  • Assana, Jira, Trello, Hubstuff
    Додаткові навики:
  • C++
  • C#
  • Python
  • Golang

Учился в 1 заведении

Приватний вищий навчальний заклад "Європейський університет"

Computer Science and Technology, Programming

Київ, 2016

Владеет языками





Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Дополнительная информация

Комп'ютерні навички

  • Photoshop
  • Microsoft Office

Захоплення та інтереси

  • Спорт
  • Читання книг
  • Саморозвиток
  • Музика
  • Здоровий спосіб життя

Особисті якості

  • стресостійкість
  • самодисципліна
  • відповідальність
  • завжди доводжу роботу до кінця
  • виконання роботи в зазначений термін
  • подобається працювати в команді


Backend Software Engineer


30 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, неполная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа

Обновлено 3 недели назад