Работал в 1 компании   5 лет 1 месяц


Remote QA Engineer

Название компании скрыто


5 лет

09.2019 - по настоящее время

- Worked on a GPS tracking system and related applications;

- Participating in the improvement of product concepts (at all stages – from mockup to release) - decrease the total for development;

- Android/iOS applications testing - GPS tracking application for trade representatives (I was looking for the optimal application settings for the best accuracy and device energy consumption) and Android/iOS messenger/tasks application;

- REST API testing (creating collections in Postman, which can run after API changes or before release) - decrease time for retesting and regression testing, test the logic before implementing it in the UI;

- WEB PC/Mobile application testing (using UI, UX, Functional, Regression, and other testing types to find all possible bugs);

- Creating bug reports and other documentation;

- API documentation analysis (verification of the discussed standards);

- Working with databases through dbForge Studio;

- Analyzing logs in ERP system;

- Conducting staff training on working with the developed products;

- Filling in the knowledge base as a person who better knows how to work with the developed software (make detailed guides - on how to interact with programs and how they work).

Ключевая информация

Python, Automation UI testing, Automation API testing, Automation database testing, Selenium WebDriver, PyTest, Python requests, Xpath, Test Automation Frameworks, Postman API, Chrome DevTools, Jenkins, Jira, Git, API Testing, Software Testing, Quality Assurance, Test Automation, Test Planning, Web Testing, Android Testing, iOS Testing, Windows-based program testing, JSON, Analytical Skills, SQL, Bug Tracking, Checklists, Test Cases, Client Server Technologies, Functional Testing, Non-functional Testing, Smoke Testing, Black Box Testing, White Box Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, Module Testing, System Testing, End-to-end Testing, Software Requirements, UI Testing, Usability Testing, JavaScript, Agile Methodologies, Manual Testing, Software Quality Assurance, Test Design, Computer Science, Problem Solving

Учился в 1 заведении

Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University

Computer Science

Kamianets-Pidilskyi, 2015

Владеет языками







Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Automation Software Testing



The Fundamentals of Software Testing



Дополнительная информация

Свій розділ

Greetings, visitor!

For more than 4 years I have been working on software quality improvement - WEB apps (GPS tracking/monitoring, accounting, agriculture, payment - LiqPay), Android apps, and an API through which all these solutions interact.

I built the entire testing process from start to the release, collected developers' feedback, and adapted the testing process to the team's needs.

I implemented standardization of bug reporting, convinced the team to change their approach to development and start testing from the early stages of development, created automation API tests (Postman), and generated ideas on how to improve existing functionality or lack of certain functionality (especially in the prototyping phase).

I plan to improve my skills to grow into a Senior Automation position to have more impact on software quality.
- REST API testing (PyTest-Requests-Allure-Jenkins/JavaScript-Postman, Swagger);

- UI testing (PyTest-Selenium WebDriver-Allure-Jenkins, Chrome DevTools, Perfect Pixel, Figma, basic OOP understanding);

- Database testing (PyTest-SQLite3-Allure-Jenkins, SQL);

- WEB/Android/iOS application testing (Charles Proxy, Fiddler, browser/device logs, BrowserStack/LambdaTest);

- QA methodologies, techniques, SDLC, and Bug Life Cycle;

- Functional, Non-functional, Module, Integration, System, Smoke, Regression, UX, Usability, and other software testing types;

- Skilled in bug reporting, verification, and tracking, test cases, checklists, and test scenarios (Jira, TestRail, Mantis, ClickUp);

- Git, ChatGPT, HTML/CSS, JSON, XML, Zed Attack Proxy;

- Agile (Scrum, Kanban), Waterfall, V-model;

- Some experience in training staff.

Анонимный соискатель

QA Manual / Automation Engineer Python


Готов переехать: Львов, Одесса, Днепр, Винница, Донецк, Житомир, Запорожье, Ивано-Франковск, Кропивницкий, Луганск, Луцк, Николаев, Полтава, Ровно, Сумы, Тернополь, Харьков, Херсон, Хмельницкий, Черкассы, Чернигов, Черновцы, Ужгород, Симферополь, Севастополь

31 год

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, неполная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа

Обновлено 1 неделю назад