Работал в 2 компаниях   1 год 3 месяца

IT, Образование

Junior Quality Assurance Engineer

Internship, Master Dynamix, Kyiv


1 месяц

12.2021 - 01.2022

Website testing.Internship on a real project. Interaction with the team through the Jira system. I tested the functionality of the program - adding a new user. Compiled test cases applied test design techniques equivalent class, and boundary values. Created test docs, prepared test data and test environment. Created and verified bug-reports. I wrote Bug reports in the Jira system. Development of projects for Java Script.

Репетитор з математики



1 год

01.2018 - 01.2019

Перший-другий курс університету. Рік працював репетитором з математики. Займався з учнями 7-11 класів, допомагав їм впоратися з шкільною програмою. Готував тести, проводив контроль знань. Працюючи репетитором я навчився правильно доносити до людей незнайому їх інформацію. Також я зрозумів що важливим є розуміння інформації а не сам факт того, що ти щось знаєш. Складно застосовувати на практиці те, що ти знаєш проте не розумієш, байдуже як би добре ти б не відточив свої навички.

Ключевая информация

¦ Strong knowledge of Win-Win strategy

¦ Strong analytical skills, logical approach and creative thinking

¦ Strong communication skills

¦ Strong understanding of game design principles

¦ Strong knowledge of mathematical modelling tools and game theory

¦ Strong knowledge of classical and behavioral economics

¦ Strong knowledge of information systems and information security

¦ Ability to identify, assess and manage economic risk using standardized information technologies

¦ Ability to design web applications

¦ Good time management skill

¦ Ability to forecast financial and economic processes based on standardized information and economic models

¦ Ability to solve management problems of the organization

¦ Understanding of client-server architecture (HTTP(s), REST, SOAP)

¦ Basic experience with JavaScript

¦ Basic experience with Shell, GIT

¦ Basic experience with traffic tolls: Charles, Fiddler

¦ Basic experience with API testing (Postman)

¦ Knowledge of HTML, CSS. Example: https://eshbleake.wixsite.com/website

¦ Experience with SQL (SQLite, Microsoft Access)

¦ Knowledge of the QA principles and approaches

¦ Knowledge of the types, levels of testing and test-design techniques

¦ Knowledge of cryptography

¦ Experience in creation of Test documentation: Test Plans, Test Cases, checklists and Bug Reports

¦ Experience with systems: JIRA, Trello, TestRail, TestLink

¦ Experience with Miro and other visualization and prototyping tools

¦ Understanding of SDLC, STLC, BLC

¦ Understanding of Agile frameworks (Scrum, Kanban)

¦ English – B2

¦ Basic experience with web design

¦ Basic experience with video editing

¦ Basic experience with UX/UI design testing

¦ Basic knowledge of artificial intelligence architecture, especially GPT

¦ Basic experience with AI application

¦ Basic experience with Unity

¦ Flexibility and adaptability. Focus on development and achieving results

Учился в 1 заведении

Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка

Міжнародна економіка та економічна кібернетика

Львів, 2023

Владеет языками







Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Менеджмент, аналітика, безпека інформації, штучний інтелект, статистика та багато іншого


Повний перелік курсів ви можете знайти за посиланням: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bogdan-burka-36613a1b9/details/certifications/

Дополнительная информация

Захоплення та інтереси

Computer games, RPG in particular. I keep an eye on all the news in the field of computer games and pay special attention to the sector of multiplayer online role-playing games. A fan of tabletop role-playing games. I am actively studying new game systems, most of which are written in English.Watching movies with my family. I especially prefer motivational films and films based on real events. A fan of Warhammer, collecting thumbnails for board games, wargames, skirmishes, and board role-playing gamesInterested in manga, watching anime. I am fond of Japanese culture. My dream is to visit Japan.

Наукова діяльність

I took an active part in the life of my university, wrote scientific papers, participated in conferences and competitions. My scientific works won prizes at competitions and conferences. My main research topics were the shadow market as well as the global market of non-fungible tokens. Also, together with my scientific supervisor, I refined the latest game theory toolkit, developed by an author from Japan.

Комп'ютерні навички

I studied at the STEP computer academy, I know the Microsoft program package very well, and I am a confident PC user. I'm familiar with visualization and prototyping software, and I'm constantly improving my AI collaboration skills. I know at a basic level such programming languages as Python, Pascal, C. I am also familiar with JavaScript and HTML. I understand the basic principles of IOT applications and also developed my own.

Мої роботи

Я маю своє портфоліо, яке містить приклади моїх проектів, пов’язаних з даними, які я виконував у різних галузях, таких як IoT, NFT, класична економіка, франчайзинг тощо. Ви можете переглянути моє портфоліо за цим посиланням: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/106TsPAu_Xh664jNM1qXxOqUuNqvX8tay?usp=sharing


Аналітик, Гейм-дизайнер, Project manager, посади пов'язані із використанням ШІ


23 года

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