Работал в 1 компании   1 год 1 месяц


IOS Developer

Noname Digital


1 год

01.2023 - 01.2024

Розробляв додатки, працюючи в соло і в команді. Працював з базами даних і кешуванням даних, Push Notification

Ключевая информация

Programming languages: Swift, Objective-C

Frameworks: UIKit, SwiftUI, AVFoundation

Patterns: MVC, MVP, MVVM, Coordinator, Clean Architecture

Technologies: OOP, SOLID, Multithreading, ARC, REST API, Firebase BaaS, Push Notification

Tools: Xcode, Git, Jira, Figma, Trello

Dependency managers: SPM, CocoaPods

Databases: Firebase, Realm, Dropbox, DataCache

Учился в 1 заведении

Харьковский радиотехнический колледж

Програмна Інженерія

Харьков, 2021

Владеет языками





Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

UIKit Marathon


  • Advanced animations
  • UITableViewDiffableDataSource
  • Popover Controller
  • UIGestureRecognizer
  • UICollectionView Compositional Layout

Develop in Swift Fundamentals / Data Collections


  • Basics in Swift
  • Animations
  • Network Layer
  • UITableView
  • UICollectionView
  • Advanced Compositional Layout
  • Push Notification

Дополнительная информация

Компьютерные навыки

I have experience working in a team to develop various applications ranging from simple games to complex enterprise solutions.

RecipeApp - (https://github.com/fullzoom59/RecipesApp)
Made authorization and data saving using Firebase SDK allowed users to authorize the app and save their recipes. Also developed a Network Layer on generics for more universal use and to reduce code duplication

Movie for Today
Integrated Realm SDK(CRUD) for data management, allowing movies to be added to favorites. Implemented in-app notifications by integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging into the project to notify users when new movies are released. I was also heavily involved in the development of the network layer of the app, ensuring a stable and efficient experience across all screens. My contribution was instrumental in improving performance and user experience in the app by 30%


Developed a generic-based network layer to efficiently display data in the application. Integrated Realm SDK for CRUD operations, enabling the addition of podcasts to favorites. Implemented track playback using AVFoundation, providing users with the ability to manage tracks


Developed a service to store and read data in UserDefaults, allowing for more convenient data management. Integrated video playback with Lootie, which increased user engagement during gameplay


iOS Developer


19 лет

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа

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