Работал в 1 компании   1 год 4 месяца


Frontend developer



1 год 3 месяца

06.2021 - 09.2022

Technologies : javascript, react, typescript, html, css, bem see some of my projekts

Ключевая информация

Typescript, javascript ( es 2015, 2019 ) react, redux html5, css3, sass ( scss ), bem node, express, postman, rest api, photoshop, figma git/git, flow/github, chrome developer tools ( incl. React ), npm, webpack basic oop understanding

Учился в 2 заведениях

National university of life and environmental sciences of ukraine

Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics

Київ, 2020

National university of life and environmental sciences of ukraine


Київ, 2019

Владеет языками



Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Frontend course at Mate academy

Київ, 2021

Typescript, JavaScript (ES 2015–2019) React, Redux HTML5, CSS3, Sass (SCSS), BEM Node, Express, Postman, Rest API, Photoshop, Figma Git/Git- flow/GitHub, Chrome Developer Tools (incl. React), NPM, Webpack Basic OOP understanding

Vitalii Oleksandrovich

F r o n t e n d d e v e l o p e r


27 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Обновлено 3 дня назад