Работал в 5 компаниях   11 лет 2 месяца

IT, Телекоммуникации / Связь

Vue Developer



8 месяцев

10.2023 - 06.2024

Development of a CRM system, user's personal account
Development of a landing page layout according to the design,
including responsive design
Localization for 10 languages
Interaction with the backend (REST, Sockets.io)

Front-end Developer

UFO Engineering


2 года 1 месяц

06.2021 - 07.2023

Vue developer, insocial.io
This is a rather large project focused on the promotion of Instagram accounts, which consists of many services and tools.
- Development of vue components
- Development of a service for search and analytics of influencers with the integration of partner API
- Adapting the appearance according to the PSD layout
- Eliminating bugs in a huge amount of legacy code

Vue developer, platforma.life

A platform for consultations with a psychologist, including using the WebRTC technology for video consultations. The project was developed from scratch and is now successfully launched. I took part in the development and implementation of all stages and elements of the project related to the front-end.
React developer, renterbuyer.co.uk
- This project is related to mortgage lending in the UK
- Development of react components
- Adapting the appearance according to the PSD layout
- Eliminating bugs in a huge amount of legacy code
At the moment, the project has been successfully launched.

Senior Specialist Tariffs and products department


Телекоммуникации / Связь

1 год 9 месяцев

11.2018 - 08.2020

Product management
- Product strategy development

- Product development and promotion

- Coordination of internal resources and third parties/vendors for the flawless execution of goals

- Partnerships

Awards ReceivedBest telecom solution for mass market 2018
Best telecom solution for mass market 2018

Product Manager Tariffs and products department


Телекоммуникации / Связь

2 года

11.2016 - 11.2018

Project management
- Development project plan to monitor and track progress

- Сoordination of all project participants

- Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation

- Сreation of product support processes

- Risk management

- Supporting tender process

- Product launch processes


Technical support specialist

Promotion Staff LLC

Телекоммуникации / Связь

4 года 5 месяцев

06.2012 - 11.2016

- Solving problems related to Internet connection and billing restrictions

- Interaction with subcontractors.

- TrobleshootingActive sales

Ключевая информация

HTML, CSS and SCSS, Javascript
React, Redux, Axios, Ant-Design,
Vue, Vuex, Nuxt, Vuetify, Element, ApexChart
Project & Product Management

Учился в 1 заведении

Приватний вищий навчальний заклад "Європейський університет"

Комп'ютерні науки

Черкаси, 2019

Владеет языками




Front-end Developer


2 200 $

31 год

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: удаленная работа

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