Работал в 2 компаниях   3 года 2 месяца


Middle Frontend React Developer



11 месяцев

09.2023 - 08.2024

1. Northwood School:

I started the development almost from scratch, discussing and implementing fundamental technologies such as Next.js, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, and Tailwind UI/CSS. This provided a strong foundation, ensuring both type safety and high performance.

Technologies: TypeScript, Next.js, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind UI, Tailwind CSS, Axios, RESTful API, ESLint, GitHub, Vercel, Figma, Slack, Jira.

2. TourFlow:

Rewrote an existing website from React.js and JavaScript to Next.js and TypeScript, which improved performance, maintainability, and SEO. Developed new components and implemented a fresh design to enhance the user experience. Used Redux Toolkit for state management, React Query for data fetching, and Tailwind CSS for responsive styling. Collaborated with the team using GitHub, Trello, and Slack, and deployed the site on Vercel. Figma was used for design.

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind CSS, React Query, RESTful API, GitHub, Vercel, Figma, Slack, Trello.

3. WeFit:

Developed a mobile application that allows users to create profiles, track their workouts, and communicate with friends. We used React Native with Expo to create a cross-platform application for iOS and Android. Implemented Redux Toolkit for efficient state management and Axios for data processing with RESTful API. Tailwind CSS was used to develop a modern and responsive user interface. Collaborated with the team via GitHub, Trello, and Slack, and used Figma for design and prototyping.

Technologies: TypeScript, React Native, Expo, Redux Toolkit, Axios, RESTful API, GitHub, Figma, Slack, Trello.

4. Definity App:

I worked on the user interface and optimized the application, abstracted parts of the code to facilitate future development, and developed new functionality. I implemented Storybook React for testing and documentation of components.

Technologies: TypeScript, React.js, Redux Toolkit, MUI, Tailwind CSS, Storybook React, Jest, GraphQL, GitHub, Vercel, Figma, Slack, Trello.

5. Definity Marketing Site:

Developed a user-friendly user interface using Next.js, ensuring high performance and compliance with best practices. Also integrated the HubSpot API for CRM systems and marketing process automation.

Technologies: TypeScript, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Axios, React Testing Library, HubSpot API, React Cookie, RESTful API, GitHub, Vercel, Figma, Slack, Trello.

Junior Frontend React Developer



2 года 2 месяца

07.2021 - 09.2023

1. Restee:

Developed a website where users can browse and rent one of three available vacation homes. Tailwind CSS was used to design a clean and responsive layout, providing an optimal experience across devices. Implement Axios for data fetching and integration with the RESTful API. Collaborated with the team using GitHub, Trello, and Slack, and deployed the site on Vercel. Figma was used for design and prototyping.

Technologies: TypeScript, React.js, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind CSS, Axios, RESTful API, GitHub, Vercel, Figma, Slack, Trello, BEM.

2. USATools:

Rewrote the existing website using Next.js to improve performance and maintainability. Optimized the site to speed up loading and improve user experience. Implement a responsive design using Bootstrap 5 to ensure compatibility with different devices and screen sizes. Managed state with Redux Toolkit and processed data sampling with React Query, integrating with RESTful API. Collaborated with the team via GitHub, Trello, and Slack, and deployed the project using Vercel.

Technologies: TypeScript, Next.js, Redux Toolkit, Bootstrap 5, React Query, RESTful API, GitHub, Vercel, Slack, Trello.

3. Deals Mommy:

Developed a website for searching for discounts and coupons, which allows users to easily find great deals and go to other sites to make purchases. Implemented integration with the RESTful API to automatically update discount data, which ensures the relevance of the content. We used Next.js to create an intuitive and fast interface, as well as Axios to work efficiently with the API. Additionally, I implemented Google AdSense to monetize the website by displaying targeted ads, increasing revenue through user interaction with ads. Workflows were organized using GitHub, Vercel, Trello, and Slack.

Technologies: JavaScript, Next.js, Axios, Jest, Google AdSense, RESTful API, GitHub, Vercel, Figma, Slack, Trello, Feature-Sliced Design.

Ключевая информация

HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, React Native, Expo, Redux, Redux Toolkit, MobX, Zustand, MUI, Tailwind UI, Chakra UI, Ant Design, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Axios, React Query, Storybook React, Jest, React Testing Library, HubSpot API, Google AdSense, RESTful API, GraphQL, ESLint, npm, yarn, GitHub, Vercel, Figma, Slack, Trello, Jira, BEM, Feature-Sliced Design. UI/UX design, OOP, computing theory, algorithms, and data structures. Agile, Scrum, Kanban.

Учился в 1 заведении

Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка

Комп'ютерні науки

Львів, 2026

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Дополнительная информация

About me

I am 19 years old. 3rd-year student majoring in Computer Science at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. I am not married. I do not smoke or drink. I enjoy table tennis, tennis, volleyball and traveling.

Роман Юрійович

Frontend React Developer


1 700 $

19 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: удаленная работа, посменная работа, гибридная, в офисе/на месте

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