Работала в 1 компании   1 год 1 месяц


Junior Node.js Developer



1 год

05.2023 - 05.2024


- Telegram Bot (NestJS, Airtable, TelegramAPI)

I developed a Telegram bot using NestJS for the backend and Airtable as the database to help users track and manage event registrations. As the primary developer, I designed, coded, and tested the bot, ensuring smooth integration between Telegram, NestJS, and Airtable. The bot allows users to see which events they are registered for, upcoming events, and their respective dates. This project honed my skills in Node.js, TypeScript, and API integration, resulting in a reliable and user-friendly bot that efficiently handles user queries and automates event management tasks.

- CMS (Nest.js, PostgreSQL, Firebase, SMTP)

I developed a robust Content Management System (CMS) specifically for realtors using NestJS for the backend, PostgreSQL for data storage, Firebase for real-time updates and authentication, and SMTP for email notifications. I designed and implemented the system to securely manage property listings, client information, and communication. The CMS provides realtors with real-time updates on property status and client interactions, and it efficiently handles email notifications for new listings and inquiries.

- Automated Messenger Letter Sender (OpenAI API, JavaScript, Node.js, PostgreSQL)

Developed a script to automatically generate and send personalized letters to users via some program, utilizing the OpenAI GPT API for content creation. The script fetches user data, generates customized messages, and sends them through the Messenger API. This project enhanced my skills in integrating AI-powered content generation with messaging platforms, automating communication tasks efficiently.

Ключевая информация

  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Nest.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • TypeScript
  • Docker
  • MongoDB

Училась в 1 заведении

National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'

Computer Science

Kyiv, 2024

Владеет языками






Node.js Developer


20 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

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