Работала в 4 компаниях   8 лет 10 месяцев

Негосударственные организации / NGO, Услуги для населения - другое, FMCG

Cash and Basic Needs Officer


Негосударственные организации / NGO

5 месяцев

01.2023 - 06.2023

Under the guidance of the ERD Coordinator and the ERD Manager, I was responsible for: -Effective implementation of IRC programs to assist with basic needs and livelihoods, including cash and voucher assistance (CVA). - Support partner organizations and employees in the implementation of similar projects. - Ensuring that gender, environmental protection and management are mainstreamed into all programs under direct responsibility. - Supporting the ERD Coordinator and partners in proper documentation, including the use of appropriate technology platforms, for customer data and distribution information in accordance with SOPs and data protection regulations.-Support the ERD Coordinator in engagement with various interagency coordination forums including Cash Working Groups and identification of strategic partnerships aligned with the IRC approach.- Support the ERD Technical Coordinator and Managers to design, facilitate, and analyze rapid needs assessments, market assessments, cash feasibility assessments, FSP/vendor mapping, and any others as identified during the response (directly or in partnership) -Inform clients about the IRC (humanitarian organization, mandate, humanitarian principles) and the multi-purpose cash assistance or non-food items (NFI) assistance program, including transfer details, amount, phone/ sms communication, timing, feedback mechanism etc. -Oversee client registration by CBN Assistants by verifying that clients and their family members match the vulnerability criteria and have the proper documentation. -Review the payment documents submitted to ERD and ensure all the supporting documents are attached as per the compliance checklist. - Coordinate with Programs, Finance, and Supply Chain to ensure all required documentation for cash distribution is submitted and available. -Coordinate with different IRC Teams as requested by the ERD Manager or ERD Coordinator -Establish and maintain good relations with local authorities and partners as necessary Team management/Staff Supervision & Development -Manager team members, volunteers, and translators as needed. -Ensure proper data collection and information management systems are used for projects in-line with MEAL support. -Support written program evaluations and reviews to ensure documentation of lessons learned informing reporting and program development. -Log Client Feedback and Complaints and respond to functional complaints -Keep ERD Manager updated if any issue arises in payment processing

Cash and Basic Needs Officer


Услуги для населения - другое

4 месяца

08.2022 - 12.2022

Performing the same duties as in NGO «IRC» (Odesa)

Cash Officer (Moldova)


Негосударственные организации / NGO

4 месяца

04.2022 - 08.2022

Under the guidance of the ERD Coordinator and ERD Manager, I was responsible for: -Effective implementation of programs to help meet basic needs and livelihoods, including cash and voucher assistance (CVA). - Supporting partner organizations and employees in the implementation of such projects. - Ensuring that gender, environment and governance are integrated into all programmes under direct responsibility. - Supporting the ERD Coordinator and partners in proper documentation, including the use of appropriate technology platforms, for customer data and distribution information in accordance with SOPs and data protection regulations.Support the ERD Coordinator in liaising with various inter-agency coordination forums, including cash working groups, and identifying strategic partnerships in line with the IRC approach. -Identification of Ukrainian documentation for compliance with the criteria when registering for cash assistance. Reason for dismissal: return to Ukraine

The company's director

Kristal water Mariupol April 2017-August 2020


7 лет 6 месяцев

04.2014 - 10.2021

  • -The work with shopping networks of Mariupol
  • -Alling the tasks to increase visibility, availability and recognition of brands of the company
  • -front of optimal sales and relationships with their customers-the newest customers, a monthly increase in the base
  • -the employee of the employees for the enterprise (drivers, operators of the shop, logistics, handyr) -Capuation of materials for the manufacture of goods (press form, cover, burs ...) and their transportation (transport order, documentation control)

Ключевая информация

Coordination, and diplomatic skills

MS office.

Kobo Collect, XLS

Data analysis and information management

Good analytical skills

Good communication and diplomatic skill

Good organization skills.

Capacity to work under pressure in a tense security environment.

Interests: Travel (travell in 24 countries, gaining a valuable insight into the culture and spoken language of those countries.)Reading (I read books on psychology in order to understand how a human works as a person)

status: married, daughter 10 years old.

Училась в 2 заведениях


учет и аудит

Мариуполь, 2014

Мариупольский Гуманитарный Университет


Мариуполь, 2008

Владеет языками







Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты



2023 1) Core Cash and Voucher Assistance Skills for Supply Chain, Finance and ICT Staff: Cashand Operations 2) Humanitarian access and humanitarian principles 3)Entry to MEAL 4) Organization and planning of the project  5)Work in partnership

Дополнительная информация

Social activity

Accountant Passage of courses and trainings:

2020 1) "Sales for the trade department" 2) "Work with VIP customers" 3) "NLP-technique with objections"

2021 1) "Basic Psychology" 2) "Psychology of the relationship" 3) " Family psychology "4) "Psychosomatics "5)" Children's Psychology "

Personal qualities

communicative, Quick Learner, Conscientiousresponsible, positive, stress-resistant, Confident, Action-Oriented

Driver's license

(Category B) Car: Toyota Corola


Basic Needs Officer


60 000 грн.

38 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость

Обновлено 1 день назад