Работал в 12 компаниях   19 лет 7 месяцев

Телекоммуникации / Связь, IT

Senior PHP Developer


Телекоммуникации / Связь

1 год 6 месяцев

07.2022 - 01.2024

US national mobile operator online retail shop. Extending functionality of existing online stores. Working with mobile operator internal services APIs, for example, customer accounts are initially created in the mobile operator’s system and then synchronized with accounts in the web shop database. A lot of work was done in Postman scripting console since data we work with stored in mobile operator system and we can access this data only using API calls. Also I worked with multiple stores business logic which is deeply integrated across stores, my task was to implement new features and if possible, refactor existing code related to the feature. Creating specific developer tools for debugging different custom flows like custom buy flow, when customer buys a phone which is a financial phone or phone with mobile services subscription. The main distinctive feature of this project is that the entire functionality of the store is very much tied to data coming from the so-called mobile operator platform APIs, so we constantly had to emulate various API services, creating a bunch of different test API mocks. As a side activity I have a work around with Xdebug profiler to find out performance issues.Developing "payment in instalments" module which integrate web shop with instalments service. The main goal was to integrate with the existing legacy code and a third-party "payment on credit" module from another bank. Legacy code refactoring, fixing front-end issues. My responsibility as a tech lead was: design simple user flow according complex business process, understand business requirements and to help other developers to get clear understanding of business process, estimate requirements and resources needed for implementation, change requirements if I have a better solution, review the code following PSR coding standards. As a result I achieve a better user flow by removing logical issues from original requirements, for example: in original requirements user should see popup error message when he trying to add not applicable product, my suggestion was to filter not applicable products to prevent selection, so we don’t have to create popup at all.

Senior PHP Developer

Sintra Poland


10 месяцев

08.2021 - 06.2022

Web consulting agency. Working on different PHP projects. Maintenance existing sites, implementing new features, communicating with clients.Has a small experience with Angular JS / Node JS project for digital marketing.One of the projects was a car service company. I worked on integration with client ERP system, vehicle parts import and identification module development and migration from old code base. I was responsible for refactoring old legacy import module. The main goal was to review module functionality and remove not used code migrating critical features only. Another task was to find best solution for importing vehicle parts product data from different suppliers, where the major problem different data formats depending on supplier. The import module must be able to collect data from different suppliers formats and create or update appropriate product in a catalog. Average number of products was around 7 millions SKUs. One of import module requirements was automatic data correction according to huge vehicle parts manufacturers database. The decision was to create two separate database instances, one is for import operations only and other as production store. As a result we achieved performance improvement on production site and import process isolation.Another interesting project I worked on was from FinTech domain. It was a client from Asia with his service for automating trading on the crypto currency exchange written on Node JS / Vue JS / SQLite stack. The goal of this project was to maintain existing code base and implement new features like trading strategy testing, like adding new stock market indicators, adding new strategies. On this project, I constantly had to deal with asynchronous real-time code, not only in NodeJS but also in PHP, such as a console utility based on Laravel that managed trading sessions using sockets and a blocking event loop.

Senior PHP Developer

Feducia Soft


2 года 3 месяца

05.2019 - 08.2021

Full time remote work with Netherland service company focused on clients from Europe and US. One of the clients was a company specializing in rental of construction equipment. My task was to integrate an online store and an ERP system in which construction equipment was booked and orders were processed from different delivery points.Another interesting client was from the USA with his own store and jewelry repair service. On this project, I encountered a very complex order processing process, since jewelry repair involves a large number of variations in the order status and, accordingly, the behavior of the system. This project was built on the basis of Magento 1 and included a huge amount of legacy code and various third-party modules that needed to be tested and code reviewed to remove unused modules.Also I worked on few projects written on Laravel, and one of them is an application that generates warehouse reports. My task was to find out whether it is possible, having a client database, to generate reports on the history of changes in the quantity of goods in the warehouse. Unlike a report on warehouse balances or stock levels, this type of report required a history of changes that requires to record the name of the product and how much of the product was sold on a certain day.

Senior PHP Developer

Magento / Adobe


1 год 5 месяцев

12.2017 - 05.2019

Working in Magento Service (Kiev office). Support and maintenance Abbott web shop. Refactoring and improving legacy code from Magento 1.x, integrating with subscriptions API which is a client custom solution. Worked in Abbott office in Germany, Frankfurt. Participated in Magento PWA workshops. After Adobe acquired Magento company I worked on migration Abbott site from M1.x to M2, on custom modules and attributes setup scripts mostly. When I was on-site in Abbott office I worked with German team in Frankfurt to provide a unit tests coverage as well as implementation of new functionality like recurring profiles and subscriptions. That was a really efficient period since our Ukrainian team was involved in constant communication directly with the client.

Senior PHP Developer

Zynovo / Freelance


1 год 7 месяцев

05.2016 - 12.2017

Maintenance couple Swedish online stores based on Magento 1.x

Magento backend development, support existing sites. Maintenance and performance optimization large US online store who sales servers, desktop and embedded industrial computers and computer parts. Dealing with deep customized bundle product logic and a lot of other customized parts of Magento. Customizing brand module for Magento 2. Working on other small projects, creating from scratch and support existing sites.

Senior PHP Developer

Etaility / Bigdrop inc.


9 месяцев

08.2015 - 05.2016

Nov 2015 - May 2016 Magento backend development, support existing sites. Maintenance and performance optimization large Sweden online store (Redis and Varnish cache). Merge orders from test and live DBs after site crashing. Fixing 3rd party OnePageCheckout and payment module for Sweden payment provider Klarna. Internal tasks for Magento 2 modules development.

Aug 2015 - Oct 2015

Magento backend development, fixing crashed Magento sites. Found and fix security issue after server attack. Consulting front end developers, code review, leading small team. Magento developers candidates interviews.

Senior PHP Developer



7 месяцев

01.2015 - 08.2015

Magento backend development, extensions development for Magento Connect profile, http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/developer/IteraResearch creating Magento development department, internal company Magento trainings and couching, project estimates and consulting sales department for Magento projects, writing technical articles for company blog http://www.itera-research.com/magento-custom-static-block-controlled-from-admin/ Created custom minified Magento installation based on version The main idea of this installation is to use Magento as CMS platform. All modules related to e-commerce functionality were removed (including dependencies in other modules), remains only CMS, Customer account and some general core modules.

Magento Developer



10 месяцев

03.2014 - 01.2015

Working on (non disclosure) large Magento project for client from Germany. My responsibility was fixing frontend and backend issues and new features implementation.

On another Magento project I did custom shipment view in sales section of admin panel, and shipment export as a part of drop shipping functionality. Client and part of development team located in Germany.

Multiple store Magento site for client from Great Britain, existing web site based on E- commerce plugin for Drupal, but client was unhappy with Drupal and we suggest to migrate to Magento. Requirements for this project were simple, client was satisfied with basic Magento features. On this project I worked with junior developer from Kiev, so one of my responsibility was a code review.

PayCash payment service integration plugin (payment method). Payment method where customer able to submit payment by scaning QR code displayed on the payment step in checkout. Magento side send request to PayCash service to begin transaction process, PayCash response with transaction id and display it as QR code, customer scan this QR code using mobile application and submit payment. Magento side waiting for transaction complete and if transaction successful customer proceed to place order. So order amount capture happened at the payment step, when customer submitting it from mobile app.

PHP Developer



4 месяца

10.2013 - 02.2014

Working on existing projects, new features implementation, bug fixing. The most interesting project here is pickyourplum.com (PYP). The main feature of PYP - there is no catalog, whole product list located on home page, PYP is a high load store, it is hosted on several web nodes and use full page cacheing with Varnish. there is a warehouse integration with two services, Webgistix and Shipstation. Both services has been integrated with native mageno sales module flow. The goal is to synchronize inventory data from actual warehouse and magento store, so customer can't

buy a product which is out of stock on the warehuse but still available for purchase on magento side. Our module updating magento inventory by exporting orders to warehouse and receiving actual quantity and shipping status from warehouse. So if order item has been sent to customer on warehouse side, this information updateing on magento side, and magento set this item to "out of stock".

PHP Developer

Softaddicts (remote job)


4 года 2 месяца

04.2009 - 06.2013

Creating Magento sites from scratch, and supporting existing sites for clients from US.

One of the projects was Zumo USA store, the goal of this project is custom designs of suits for water polo teams. This site has two types of accounts: regular customer and team manager. Main business process I have implemented is ordering of custom design of the suits for whole team. Team manager can create team order (he selects products which can be customized), upload team logo, select team colors. When team order is ready, team members can add customized suits to team order. Team members can select only size and qty.

Developed own non e-commerce project using Magento as framework, this project is a promo mailing system where users can upload multimedia (mp3) content and make email sending to their recipients. I have implemented integration with mass mailing service Mandrill through REST API. This project has no shopping cart or products catalog. It has user account where users can manage their content (Releases), contact list, emailing process, and lookup mailing results after email sending. I choose Magento as framework because it has ready to use admin panel, elements of user interface like forms, tabs, menus, etc..

C/C++ Win32 Developer

TEAM International Services, Inc


3 года

04.2006 - 04.2009

Work specific was C/C++ desktop applications for windows, have experience in libraries development for Oracle, multimedia and DirectShow filters.

C++ Win32 Developer



1 год 11 месяцев

05.2004 - 04.2006

Working on C++ project for Windows Media center. Application which converts large media files for devices like mobile phones and iPod.

Ключевая информация


PHP, MySQL, HTML, XML, CSS, Javascript, Magento, Magento 2, Google Chrome Extensions Development, Zend, jQuery, ko, Prototype, Laravel, code ignitor Node js, Vue js Apache, Nginx, Varnish, Redis, Xdebug, Git, Docker Linux, MAC OS X, Windows C/C++ (Win32), DirectShow, C# .NET, GCC OOP, Design patterns JIRA, Teamwork, Basecamp Technical writing, leading small teams, communicating with client. Quick self learning.


Magento backend development (Community / Enterprise editions) Magento extensions development (project specific and Magento Connect packages) Third-party APIs integrations (back office, payment, shipping, fulfillment, warehouse, etc..) Customization third-party Magento extensions Resolving Magento extensions conflicts Refactoring low quality code Data import / export Fixing performance issues Magento 2 development Magento Developer Plus Certification https://u.magento.com/certification/directory/dev/20304/


Senior PHP Developer


3 000 $

43 года

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: удаленная работа, гибридная, в офисе/на месте

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