Работал в 4 компаниях   16 лет 10 месяцев

Медицина и Здравоохранение, Юридические услуги, Образование, Негосударственные организации / NGO

National Consultant

World Health Organization

Медицина и Здравоохранение

2 года 6 месяцев

09.2022 - по настоящее время

  • Developed and implemented a high-performance operational framework, resulting in increased program efficiency and improvement in program visibility across multiple initiatives.
  • Conducted the strategic planning and execution of various programs, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and contributing to comprehensive strategic documents that informed decision-making.
  • Created and implemented training programs for operational and technical teams, significantly enhancing their capabilities and knowledge in critical areas. This increased staff awareness of relevant topics.
  • Conducted in-depth research and analysis, producing critical documents (presentations, briefing notes, and concept notes) that facilitated informed discussions and strategic decision-making.
  • Proactively identified and implemented risk mitigation strategies, ensuring program resilience and responsiveness to challenges.



Юридические услуги

5 лет 4 месяца

01.2017 - 05.2022

  • Provided comprehensive legal consulting to significant clients across various sectors, successfully identifying and mitigating potential risks. Successfully mitigated potential losses of client's assets.
  • Managed and delivered 30+ projects involving complex scenarios, ensuring timely completion and adherence to regulatory frameworks. As a result, the risks of the existing criminal proceedings against previous asset owners were assessed, and a strategy was developed to protect the invested money from possible illegal actions by law enforcement and other agencies.
  • Facilitated effective communication and built strong relationships with clients and governmental bodies(ministries, regulatory bodies, anti-corruption institutions).
  • Successfully coordinated multidisciplinary teams, fostering a collaborative environment that consistently resulted in successful project outcomes.

Associated Professor of Department of Justice of Law Faculty Assistant Professor

Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University


10 лет 3 месяца

04.2008 - 07.2018

  • Taught the following subjects at the Law Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: criminal procedure, judicial system and status of judges, reform and digitalization of the criminal procedure of Ukraine, methods and tactics of advocates in jurisdictional proceedings, drafting procedural documents in criminal proceedings.
  • Developed and implemented innovative teaching methods that improved student engagement and comprehension of complex legal concepts.
  • Guided students in drafting procedural documents for criminal proceedings, equipping them with practical skills relevant to their future careers. Improved student performance scores on assessments by 35%.

Національний Експерт/Консультант, автор програм та тренер курсів створення Нової патрульної поліції

Координатор проектів ОБСЄ в Україні

Негосударственные организации / NGO

1 год

03.2015 - 03.2016

Розробка та викладання курсів у програмі "Нова партульна поліція".

Проведення трененгів, в тому числі і для майбутніх тренерів

Ключевая информация

Extensive experience:

  • Provided comprehensive legal consulting services to major business clients across various sectors.
  • Successfully managed multiple business protection projects, enhancing client security and compliance.
  • Represented clients in court, successfully protecting their interests in complex criminal cases.
  • Advocated for victims in criminal proceedings, achievingrecovery of temporarily seized assets.
  • Conducted thorough internal investigations, utilizing open-source intelligence methodologies.
  • Developed and delivered specialized training sessions on risk mitigation and business protection.

Personal attributes and skills:

  • Project Management: Strategic Planning, Budgeting, Risk Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Stakeholder Engagement, Team Leadership
  • Legal Expertise: Contract Negotiation, RegulatoryCompliance, Risk Assessment, Dispute Resolution
  • Languages: Ukrainian (Native), English (Fluent).

Учился в 2 заведениях

Інститут законодавства Верховної Ради України


Киев, 2013

Київський національний університет ім. Т. Шевченка

Юридичний факультет, правознавство

Киев, 2002

Владеет языками



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Может проходить собеседование на этом языке


ниже среднего



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Может проходить собеседование на этом языке



Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Ефективне управління проектами та розвиток ключових особистісних навичок (soft skills) - EY Academy of Business

Киев, 2019

Курс (8 місяців) щодо управління проектами та командами від міжнародного визнаного провайдера EY Academy of Business

Адвокат Майбутнього

Киев, 2017

Програма професійного розвитку адвокатів за підтримки Уряду Канади та Асоціації правників України

Дополнительная информация

Особисті якості

Project Management: Strategic Planning, Budgeting, Risk Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Stakeholder Engagement, Team Leadership Legal Expertise: Contract Negotiation, Regulatory Compliance, Risk Assessment, Dispute Resolution

Languages: Ukrainian (Native), English (Fluent).

Водійське посвідчення

Категорія B/B1


Head of legal / Legal Counsel

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