Ключевая информация


Languages: JavaScript - Good. Frontend: HTML5, CSS3/ SCSS/ Styled components - Good.

Frameworks/libraries: React, React Router, Redux - Good.

DataBase: MySQL, MongoDB - Basic.Version control: GitHub - Good.

Data Fetching and APIs: Axios/ REST API, Fetch - Basic.

ools: WebStorm, Visual Studio Code - Good


Problem Solver: Applies critical thinking to resolve complex issues.

Adaptable Team Player: Thrives in dynamic environments and collaborates effectively in teams.

Detail-Oriented: Meticulously attends to details in coding and problem-solving.

Continuous Learner: Actively seeks opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Initiative: Proactively addresses issues and contributes to achieving goals.

Училась в 1 заведении

Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова

Фізико-математичний. Вчитель математики, економіки та інформатики

Київ, 2015

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

JavaScript Fundamental | SoftServe

Lviv, Ukraine, 2023

Introduction to JavaScript Expressions and operators Program Flow. Data structures. Arrays Functions Debugging. Exception Handling Events Handling. Memory Management BOM. DOM manipulation jQuery library
Advanced topics:Object-oriented programming in JavaScript Regular Expressions ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification AJAX technology Server-side development with JavaScript. Node.js introduction

React | IT Hillel


Course: React BasicsI have successfully completed the "React Basics" course, which covered key aspects of working with React. During the course, I mastered working with the virtual DOM, creating and utilizing components, data binding, managing component state, component lifecycle, using React Hooks, making requests, setting up routing, and state management with Flux and Redux.

Надія Ярославівна

Junior Frontend Developer


400 $

30 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: стажировка / практика, удаленная работа, гибридная

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