Работал в 2 компаниях   3 года


Junior Full Stack Developer

Own project


1 год

06.2022 - 06.2023

Project URL: https://informatyka.space
Developed a comprehensive web solution for Informatyka, a venue in Kyiv, covering both front-end and back-end development to facilitate online menu viewing, in-house purchases, and immediate payment processing through card or cryptocurrency. The website acts as a digital bridge between the customers and the CRM system in use at the venue, automating the order processing to a significant extent.
Key Technologies: React, Redux, Python Django, Docker, Nginx, Monopay, Whitepay, Figma.
Responsibilities and Achievements:
Front-end Development:
- Engineered a responsive and intuitive user interface using React and Redux, adhering to the design template provided in Figma.
- Implemented dynamic menu viewing, allowing customers to browse through the available offerings seamlessly.
Back-end Development:
- Utilized Python Django for creating a robust back-end infrastructure capable of handling order processing and payment transactions.
- Ensured secure and efficient payment processing through integration with Monopay for card payments and Whitepay for cryptocurrency transactions.
- Managed the deployment process utilizing Docker and Nginx to ensure a smooth and reliable production environment.
Payment Integration:
- Integrated Monopay and Whitepay payment gateways to facilitate seamless transactions, offering flexibility in payment options to the customers.
CRM Integration and Synchronization:
- Achieved full synchronization with the CRM system, Poster, pulling product data dynamically and pushing order details for processing by the cashier at the venue.
Testing and Quality Assurance:
- Conducted rigorous testing to ensure the functionality, reliability, and security of the web application, leading to an enhanced user experience.
This project highlights my capability to handle full-stack development projects, ensuring a seamless user experience from front-end interaction to back-end processing, and demonstrates my proficiency in integrating various technologies to create a cohesive and efficient system.

Technical Integrator / web developer



1 год 10 месяцев

12.2018 - 10.2020

With extensive experience in web development, I have honed my skills in site layout design, creating templates, and developing web components utilizing JS, HTML, and CSS. My expertise extends to customizing landings and offers, analyzing existing ones, and ensuring their seamless integration with various CRM systems via API. Additionally, I have developed an internal CRM system to streamline task allocation and monitoring within the team, enhanced with a Telegram bot for real-time updates.
Skills and Tools:
Web Development:  
- Layout Designing and Templating using JS, HTML, CSS.  
- Customization and optimization of landings and offers, including feature additions, layout corrections, and adaptative design.  
- Web Component Development.  
- Develop landings/offers based on templates in Figma/Photoshop.
Web Parsing and Analysis:
- Parsing existing landing pages and offers utilizing Wget and Curl.
Back-end Development:
- PHP, JS  - API integrations with various CRM systems.  
- Postback setup and configuration.  
Tracking and Security:
- Working with cloaking tools (Paladium, Keitaro).  
- Experience with tracking tool (Keitaro).  
- Familiar with CDM Cloudflare.  
CRM System Development:  
- Developed an internal CRM system for task allocation and monitoring, enhanced with a Telegram bot for real-time updates. ( React at front-end, Django at backend ).

Ключевая информация


- Proficient in JavaScript (React, Redux), HTML, CSS, and Python (Django).

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

- Solid understanding of OOP principles, actively learning design patterns to enhance code maintainability and scalability.

SOLID Principles:

- Familiar with SOLID principles to write well-structured, efficient, and maintainable code.?Web Development:

- experience in full-stack web development, from UI/UX design to back-end logic.

- Familiarity with design tools like Figma and Photoshop for layout designing and templating.

- Customization and optimization of landings and offers, ensuring responsive and adaptive design.

Payment and CRM Integration:

- Experienced in integrating payment gateways such as Monopay and Whitepay, and synchronizing applications with CRM systems like Poster.

Deployment and Configuration:

- experience with Docker and Nginx for smooth deployment and configuration.

- Familiar with setting up postbacks and API integrations with various CRM systems.

Web Parsing and Analysis:

- Skilled in web parsing and analysis using tools like Wget and Curl.

Tracking and Security:

- Experience with tracking tools like Keitaro and working with cloaking technologies.

Testing and Quality Assurance:

- Rigorous testing to ensure functionality, reliability, and security of web applications.

This skill set demonstrates a strong junior full-stack developer’s proficiency, capable of handling various aspects of web development projects, from front-end design to back-end processing, and integration with external systems

• Typescript

• Node.js

• React Native

• React Native


• MongoDB


• Figma
• Laravel

Учился в 1 заведении

Торговельно-економічний університет


Львов, 2021

Владеет языками





Олег Петрович

React js/php developer | System Integrator


25 лет

полная занятость

Характер работы: удаленная работа

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