Работал в 7 компаниях   6 лет 9 месяцев

IT, Издательства и Полиграфия

Strong Middle Wordpress Developer



2 года 4 месяца

05.2022 - по настоящее время

I am mainly engaged in landing the layout on Wordpress / Woocommerce, as well aswriting plugins, as well as checking the technical specifications for Wordpress andconducting technical interviews.

Strong Middle Wordpress Developer

LabTop Digital


11 месяцев

06.2021 - 05.2022

Worked mainly with online stores. He was engaged in the layout of the landing page onWoocommerce, and also wrote functionality by type: discounts, filters, plugins for moderatingorders, implementing bundles of various APIs with sales. The most difficult tasks inWoocommerce were mostly assigned to me, since I had more experience in this work than theteam members. Periodically did code reviews and also helped solve problems forWoocommerce staff

Middle Wordpress Developer

Bran U Agency


8 месяцев

10.2020 - 06.2021

Website development of various complexity. Integration with CRM, if necessary using a thirdparty API when creating websites. Full customization of Woocommerce.Programming plugins of various complexity both for WordPress + Woocommerce and only justfor WordPress.Deploying, configuring, and customizing Themeforest themes. Programming modules forElementor. Creating

Middle FullStack Developer

Marakas Group


9 месяцев

01.2020 - 10.2020

Support of an online store, extensions development, plugins creation.The second project was the creation and support of simplier online stores, through which therewas a clickthrough to links. The task was to raise and set them. There were about 30 sites. Thetasks also included their support

Wordpress developer



1 год

12.2018 - 12.2019

Themes and plugins creation to orderWebsite development for customers from the USA and the EU (Germany, Switzerland),understanding nature of work with them.The company works only with foreign clients.Nature of work was very diverse. I worked as a full-stack developer. Therefore, there were manydifferent tasks, for example:1) Website development from scratch, creating a theme from scratch2) Working with ready-made themes, their customization3) Themes refinement, upgrade of sites4) Bug fixes on sites5) Website speed optimization6) Creating pluginsBoth backend and frontend workTo create themes, and sometimes plugins, I use ACF/ Carbon Fields, these plugins help toquickly make anything you want from a regular theme.Experience with such plugins: Woocommerce (customization, plugins creation, and many otherthings), Woocommerce and related plugins, Woocommerce MarketPlace, BuddyPress, WPML,Locotranslate, Polylang, AWPCP.Modules creation for Elementor, Divi, WPBakery



Издательства и Полиграфия

4 месяца

08.2018 - 12.2018

Filling the site with content, page making for product cards, the layout of news and articles,making edits on the site, the layout of individual static pages, adding banners. I run 3 sites(online store, news portal, business card site) Sites on CMS Drupal7,8

Wordpress developer / layout maker



9 месяцев

01.2018 - 10.2018

Layout making/ typesetting of sites (landing pages, one-page websites, blogs, online stores)from scratch, using a clean theme. Working with PSD layouts, working with Woo-Commerceplugins (as well as related ones), Contactform7, AWPCP, bbPres, meta boxes, ACF/ ACF PRO,All in one SEO, Yoast SEO, WP-recall, Interkassa, Robokassa, active use of jQuery, variousCSS libraries/frameworks and snippets. Working with Bootstrap, flex-box, layout/ typesetting,media requests, cross-browser layout/ typesetting, parallax, creation of feedback forms andothers using code, without a plugin, sending forms via Ajax. Schema markup. Google SpeedOptimization

Ключевая информация

Key Skills and Experience:- Good in PHP for developing WordPress themes and plugins.- Extensive experience with WooCommerce: creating custom plugins, optimizing, and configuring to meet complex client requirements.- Experienced in developing and integrating APIs, including REST API, to enhance site functionality.- Skilled in working with ACF PRO, WPML, WP Rocket, WP Recall, and other popular tools.- Developing complex admin systems and user interfaces using ACF PRO and JavaScript (including jQuery and AJAX).- Designing feedback forms and smart discount systems with minimal setup requirements for administrators.- Work with multisite setups and localization tools (WPML, LocoTranslate, Polylang, qTranslate).Additional Skills:- Experienced in working with Canvas, Parallax, and advanced CSS features.- Capable of creating themes from scratch and working with pre-made templates.- Proficient in using and customizing page builders as needed.Personal Qualities:- Committed to continuous learning: actively exploring new technologies through forums and educational channels in both English and Ukranian.

Учился в 1 заведении



Киев, 2018

Владеет языками





Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

SkillUp front-end разработка

Киев, 2018

Изучение html и CSS на уровне вёрстки с макета, Photoshop на уровне работы с макетом, работа с git и GitHub, bootstrap разметка, средние знания Jquery JS, средние навыки работы с Wordpress( функции, построение циклов, хуки, метаполя, таксономии и т д), Woocommerce( функции, хуки, циклы, вывод и верстка категорий,карточек товара и т д), начальные знания в php

Дополнительная информация

Комп'ютерні навички

I'm a mentor.

I worked as a mentor at Global Partner Soft, and trained junior developers at that company. I helped them solve complex tasks, did code reviews, and also shared information from various useful resources.

I'm a course author

ITVDN hired me as a course writer for Wordpress. I developed the course outline, prepared materials and presentations for the course. I also recorded video lessons according to the course plan. I prepared the course for the students in such a way that at the end of the course they will receive a final project in the form of a Wordpress blog.


FullStack Wordpress разработчик


3 500 $

30 лет

полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: удаленная работа, гибридная

Обновлено 4 месяца назад