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Віддалена робота

Sales / Lead Generation Manager

2 тижні тому
30 травня 2024
Віддалена робота
В офісі/на місці
Повна зайнятість

Looking for an independent, self-motivated Sales person. 

Among company’s results: developed apps with 6M+ users, over $4M invested in client’s projects. 

Responsibility: Driving new sales via preferred channels

1. constant launching new campaigns & tests
2. creating & tuning text sequences
3. communicating with prospects
4. cooperation with delivery team on recruitment / estimation processes

We have some processes in place and always looking for improvement:
1. weekly planning & reports
2. daily checkins (15-20 mins)
3. KPIs with clear sales funnel stages 
3. CRM automation with custom AI tools

Among default benefits:
* access to external consultants & educational materials
* budget for new tools
* custom development for additional automation tools

Current sales department:
1. sales / lead generation manager (LinkedIn, UpWork)
2. data researcher 
3. part-time sales / lead generation manager
4. CEO (help on calls, if needed)

We like working with proactive people, who don’t need to be told what to do and how. At the same time we are ready to help & share our experience.

Hard skills:
* track record of driving new revenue ($30k+ projects)
* excellent writing skills

Soft skills:
* responsibility
* excellent communication within the team

What to expect on interview:
1. question on your preferred leadgen strategy
2. simple plan — what would you do in first 2 weeks, 3 months.
3. what are your goals within this time. And required resources to achieve it



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