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ArtHouseLabs Перевірена

від 20 до 50 співробітників
з 2018 року на ринку

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Гнучкий графік

ArtHouseLabs is a gamedev art outsource company of casual and mid-core games both for mobile and PC platforms as well as Gambling turnkey projects executor. Furthermore, we perform the whole scope of outsource works in CG Art sector: UI/UX, Concept art, Marketing art, Illustrations, Animation and Video Production. You can meet our projects here: https://arthouselabs.com/ The company began in 2018 with 2D Artist Yulia Proshenko and Project Manager Denis Motorin, two people, united by a love of games and art. We are bright, ambitious and charismatic. Corporate spirit, confidence in future, responsibility for the result and belief in success — that`s what units each of us. We appreciate everyone and provide the most comfortable working conditions for further professional and personal growth.

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