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Corewide Перевірена

від 20 до 50 співробітників
з 2015 року на ринку

Переваги роботи в компанії

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Регулярний перегляд зарплати
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Гнучкий графік

Corewide is a DevOps service company founded on April 1, 2015. We are a team of exceptionally skilled DevOps and automation professionals delivering top-notch consulting services with swiftness and engineering elegance. Having started from QA and automation services, we gradually discovered the power of DevOps as a service and eventually switched our focus to it in 2019. Our expertise covers a large number of services, from plain infrastructure operations to setting up and automating custom CI/CD pipelines. Over the years, we have successfully cooperated with startups and SMEs in numerous fields, be it education or manufacturing.

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