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DataArt — вакансія в Senior DevOps Engineer
Вакансія закрита

Senior DevOps Engineer

3 роки тому
20 травня 2021
Одесавул. Маразлиевская 1/20

DataArt is a global software engineering firm. With over 20 years of experience, teams of highly-trained engineers around the world, deep industry sector knowledge, and ongoing technology research, we help clients create custom software that improves their operations and opens new markets. DataArt started out as a company of friends and has a special culture that distinguishes it from other IT outsourcers, such as:

- Flat structure. There are no “bosses” and “subordinates”.
- We hire people not to a project, but to the company. If the project (or your work in it) is over, you go to another project or to a paid “Idle”.
- Flexible schedule, ability to change projects, to work from home, to try yourself in different roles.
- Minimal bureaucracy and micromanagement, convenient corporate services.

Required Skills and Experience

  • 4+ years of experience in system administration and configuration
  • Experience in Linux administration and automation
  • Experience in software development (Go, Python, or JavaScript)
  • Ability to implement quality, reliable, and effective solutions
  • Knowledge of network protocols e.g. DNS, HTTP(S)
  • Experience with cloud and AWS services
  • Experience with container technologies and orchestration tools e.g. Docker
  • Experience with scripting languages in a Linux environment (Bash and Python)
  • Experience with common build tools, repositories, and Cl/CD tools
  • Knowledge of version control systems (preferably Git)
  • Problem solving skills
  • Experience with various web servers

Additional Competencies

  • Spoken English
  • Skills with Fastlane
  • Knowledge of cloud infrastructure management

DataArt Offers:

  • Professional Development:
    - Experienced colleagues who are ready to share knowledge;
    - The ability to switch projects, technology stacks, try yourself in different roles;
    - More than 150 workplaces for advanced training;
    - Study and practice of English: courses and communication with colleagues and clients from different countries;
    - Support of speakers who make presentations at conferences and meetings of technology communities.
  • The ability to focus on your work: a lack of bureaucracy and micromanagement, and convenient corporate services;
  • Friendly atmosphere, concern for the comfort of specialists;
  • Flexible schedule and the ability to work remotely;
  • The ability to work in any of our development centers.

Ольга Миндова

DataArt — вакансія в Senior DevOps Engineer: фото 2

DataArt is a Global Software Engineering Firm.

більше 500  співробітників

з 1999 року  на ринку

  • Курси іноземної мовиКурси іноземної мови
  • Медичне страхуванняМедичне страхування
  • Корпоративні заходиКорпоративні заходи
  • Віддалена роботаВіддалена робота
  • Гнучкий графікГнучкий графік

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