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DataArt — вакансія в Cloud Software Architect, Communications Solutions
Вакансія закрита

Cloud Software Architect, Communications Solutions

4 роки тому
03 грудня 2019
Одесавул. ул. Маразлиевская 1/20, стадион Черноморец, вход Д1, 4 и 5 этажи

DataArt is engaged in software development and IT consulting. More than 3000 of our specialists work in 22 development and sales centers around the world. At the same time, we remain a highly integrated team. At the heart of DataArt's corporate culture is the value of diversity and trusting and respectful relationships.


The client is an American company that's working in the communications solutions industry focused on large companies and corporations.


They specialize in services for sending voice and text messages, notifications, organizing online conferences, alerts about natural disasters, creating interactive voice menus and newsletters, sending messages on a schedule, etc.


Development is conducted using a comprehensive stack of technologies: .NET, Objective-C, Java, PHP, MS SQL, AngularJS. The system's features are continuously expanding and getting supplemented with new opportunities as per requests of the company's customers.

The perfect match candidate has:


  • Clear understanding of cloud computing and technological systems;
  • Experience in designing and migrating mission-critical applications with support for a large number of requests;
  • Extensive development experience using a full technology stack.





  • Create a well-grounded cloud strategy, work with other architects, collaborate with software development teams and the project team to implement the strategy
  • Evaluate cloud apps, hardware, and software regularly
  • Review and design software architecture for new systems and modernize existing ones
  • Professional and timely technical troubleshooting
  • Identify the best cloud architecture solutions to address your company's strategic needs



Required Skills and Experience

  • 3+ years of experience in design, implementation and support of cloud solutions
  • 3+ years of experience with Java and/or .NET development stacks (back-end)
  • Work experience in creating architecture of software solutions, experience in leading a technical team
  • Knowledge of cloud computing technologies and current trends in the field of computing
  • Communication skills (written and spoken), ability to convey information for different audiences
  • Good spoken English



DataArt offers:


  • Professional Development:
    - Experienced colleagues who are ready to share knowledge;
    - The ability to switch projects, technology stacks, try yourself in different roles;
    - Study and practice of English: courses and communication with colleagues from different countries;
    - Support of speakers who make presentations at conferences and meetings of technology communities.
  • The ability to focus on your work: a lack of bureaucracy and micromanagement, and convenient corporate services;
  • Friendly atmosphere, concern for the comfort of specialists;
  • Flexible schedule. 

Екатерина Корнелюк

DataArt is a Global Software Engineering Firm.

більше 500  співробітників

з 1999 року  на ринку

  • Курси іноземної мовиКурси іноземної мови
  • Медичне страхуванняМедичне страхування
  • Корпоративні заходиКорпоративні заходи
  • Віддалена роботаВіддалена робота
  • Гнучкий графікГнучкий графік

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